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    Daily Ramblings
    Everybody check your rosters....

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    Head Coach

    253 posts
    Posted - 9/29/2005 2:23:29 PM
    Everybody check your rosters....
    I think I have updated eveyone's roster to reflect what happened in FA last night. The only person that ends up getting screwed is Goodman because he bid on 2 ineligible players. I am up for suggestion on how to make it up to him. I have put Deshaun Foster and Troy Williamson back on your roster, Goodman, and we will credit your FA account the 40 points you lost on the bids. Nelson, you would not have gotten any of your players anyway because you were outbid on all of them. I think it is unfair to re-do because of teams like Elizabeth who got Brandon Lloyd in a competitive bidding war. There is no right way to fix this to make everybody happy, but I am doing my best to make it work. Please give me your input on how to resolve the problem with Goodman and please check your rosters to make sure that they are correct and that they DO reflect FA last night.

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