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Pick Your Draft Slot is set up

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Member since: 11/19/2003
2024 Logins: 0
Last Login: 9/15/2024
  From: NC

All posts by Oscar Goldman:

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It's been eating me up inside...
Posted - 9/20/2024 8:34:03 AM Post a reply to pshaw!
Don't sweat it! It's a simple rules misunderstanding and there was no competitive disruption or effect upon anyone. Now that you know what the rule is, you can decide how you want to handle Mr. Lloyd.
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Scoring adjustments 2024
Posted - 9/17/2024 4:01:12 PM Post a reply to 🤣
Must be a glitch in the matrix!
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Posted - 9/6/2024 4:14:35 PM Post a reply to OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
2024 Ragnarok Draft Room
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Auction Free agent screw ups
Posted - 9/6/2024 2:23:34 PM Post a reply to thanks for the heads up
thanks for the heads up
Dumbells got McLaughlin and Samuel from the auction results. I also filled out the Duran's roster.
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the fucking lockbox is fucking open
Posted - 9/6/2024 2:11:37 PM Post a reply to the fucking lockbox is fucking open
the fucking lockbox is fucking open
Eagles and Packers can now be put into the lockbox again. There is a database snapshot from before the lockbox was reopened, and anyone caught unselecting any Ravens or Chiefs player will be pummeled beyond recognition and then sharpie markered on the face and then swirlied in the toilet, followed by things much worse.
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Posted - 9/5/2024 4:57:43 PM Post a reply to all is good :)
all is good :)
Just got to my opening weekend vacation spot and I can now address rosters etc. I also fixed tonight's game's starting time, so starters can be selected.

If there are any players missing from rosters, I'll get to those but if you need them tonight then please just post those on the forum and consider those locked in.

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Auction Free agent screw ups
Posted - 9/5/2024 4:57:14 PM Post a reply to all is good :)
all is good :)
Just got to my opening weekend vacation spot and I can now address rosters etc. I also fixed tonight's game's starting time, so starters can be selected.

If there are any players missing from rosters, I'll get to those but if you need them tonight then please just post those on the forum and consider those locked in.

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Position requirement question
Posted - 9/4/2024 3:05:39 PM Post a reply to 1 HC
1 HC
That's kind of weird. It may be a bug because no one has ever been so big brained as to draft two Head Coaches before. Try to ignore it, I guess?
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Food and Supplies summary
Posted - 9/4/2024 8:36:56 AM Post a reply to Message from the owner
Message from the owner
"Here are a few things about your upcoming stay with us.
We provide linens and bath towels ( we do not provide personal wash cloths). We ask that you please use the linens provided. PLEASE DO NOT sleep directly on the mattress covers. We have a Keurig coffee station with complementary coffee,cream, and sugar. There is also a drip coffee pot with the filters in the kitchen cabinet. You are welcome to use everything inside and outside of the home. We want you to feel at home. We just please ask that before your checkout, everything gets placed back to its original location.
Due to situations in the past with guests. We unfortunately have to be more strict. Our cleaning crew is very thorough, but they are not responsible for placing back heavy objects such as lawn chairs/ beds/ couches/ pool table, etc.
Also, PLEASE make sure that all water toys ( Kayaks and Paddle Boat) are back to their original location where they are secure before your checkout.
During your stay, you will have access to the boathouse and everything this is in it.
The key to the boat house is located on the side of the refrigerator.

We are able to give you an early check-in for 11am. We hope you can take advantage of this."

I'm going to email everyone the keycode for access.
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Food and Supplies summary
Posted - 9/2/2024 6:23:10 PM Post a reply to Food and Supplies summary
Food and Supplies summary
I thought it might be helpful to consolidate everyone's food, drinks, and supplies lists into one master list that is easy to reference. No sense in being unorganized and then we end up with 244 rolls of toilet paper and 32 pizzas, amirite?

Here is what everyone has chimed in with so far. Feel free to post a reply here and/or in our texting group and I'll strive to keep this master list up to date.


- 20lb of smoked pulled pork, coleslaw, buns, NC vinegar sauce
- homemade jalapeno pimento cheese and sandwich bread
- hot sauces, relish, candied jalapenos
- fresh hot peppers and tomatoes from the garden
- crostinis two ways
- 18 Vitamin Water Zero
- chocolate coffee
- 1lb butter

- vegetarian rice, bean, and cheese burritos

- muthafucking Painkillers
- lamb and chicken skewers
- pita, greek salad
- coffee

- brats for grilling

- hydration drinks that don't have alcohol in them
- BBQ sauce

- breakfast: blueberry pancakes, bacon, fruit, etc.

- red beans and rice
- beyond burgers
- misc snacks


- 100 paper plates and a zillion paper napkins
- stovetop espresso pot and coffee grinder

- drip coffee maker
- fresh fruits and veggies for snacking?

- coffee grinder and French Press

- brat buns?
- ketchup, mustard, mayo?
- orange juice for breakfast?
- paper towels
- garbage bags (kitchen and/or 50 gallon)
- webcam and computer for video conferencing with Stu

- There was talk about Pho even though that seems quite ambitious. I'll leave that to others to decide but speaking for myself, I'm ambivalent about pho.

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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 9/1/2024 5:30:28 PM Post a reply to ** Drafting Schedule **
** Drafting Schedule **
This year, we'll have a slight change to how we'll be executing the Ragnarok Draft. To summarize, we'll have slightly less overall time to make all of our picks and this will mean a little bit of adjustment will be needed by everyone.

Stu won't be able to join us in person but he'll be available for both a Friday and a Saturday session. We won't have the luxury of a 15-minute clock with unlimited extensions this year, but we'll still have plenty of time to make all of our picks.

As long as we don't casually waste time, we'll all still be able to have a draft with no shot clock. Here are some guidelines:

1. Be aware of when it is your time to pick. Don't go take a smoke break out on the porch when your pick is about to come up. Don't make people come find you when it's your turn.

2. Try to be prepared before it is your pick. This is an ideal case, as sometimes multiple sequential snipes can take place and the "best laid plans of mice and men" are laid asunder, but try to have a general idea of what you are going to do before it is your turn.

2a. Even with a little more urgency in our actions, we should give a little bit of empathy to those who are picking at or near the bookends. It's one thing to be in the middle of the draft order and have 20-40 minutes inbetween each of your picks, but it's a different animal to either have to pick back-to-back or have to pick again very quickly. In other words, not all draft positions are the same when we have an overarching time restriction.

3. You can still take up to 5-10 minutes on a pick, no problem. You can even ask for an extension if you are having heart palpitations. Just try to limit this to when you're either caught by surprise by something, or you need to do some unexpected due diligence on your player candidates, or there is a trade in the works, etc. It's supremely important that we all make the best picks possible in order to support the goal of having the most competitive landscape, and this is the #1 rule that should guide everything.

As long as we are all mindful of when it is our time to pick, and try our best to be somewhat prepared for who we will be drafting, it should be an easy thing for us to get through all 19 rounds over a two day period.

So what exactly is our Draft Schedule? Behold:

* Draft starts at 4pm. The first 11 picks will be done regardless of Stu's presence.
* Stu arrives virtually about 4:30-5pm.
* Drafting continues as normal up until 7pm.

* Draft starts at 4:30pm. Possible S.O.T.L. preceding that, depending on other factors.
* Drafting continues as normal up until 10:30pm, at which time virtual Stu vanishes.
* Drafting continues until Stu is next up.
* When Stu gets an opportunity at work (usually 1-2 hours after arrival), he'll draft via the online draft room. No video conferencing will be in play going forward.
* We'll continue until we can't.

As long as we draft with the #1-#3 guidelines outlined above, I'm optimistic that we'll be able to get all drafting finished before Stu goes to work at 10:30pm on Saturday. In the surprise case where we don't, we'll simple hodge-podge whatever picks we can get done after midnight on Saturday and early on Sunday morning.

Now, this does depend on what time everyone can be ready to draft on Friday. And what time golf is finished on Saturday. The proposed schedule is what would work if we didn't have additional puzzle pieces.
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Posted - 9/1/2024 11:29:52 AM Post a reply to Well said
Well said
I greatly appreciate your feedback. I've been waffling on this as well, just because of what a huge commitment it is (even moreso when administering it). I'm not averse to taking a year off and then re-evaluating it for next year.
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Posted - 9/1/2024 10:36:37 AM Post a reply to Where is everyone?
Where is everyone?
So far, there really hasn't been much enthusiasm and it's mostly been just me nagging folks. In addition, not a single other owner has paid their dues.

We're supposed to be doing a live draft in three days and it's a ghost town here. Which is fine, but I don't have the time to nag or worry, and I don't want to be holding my breath on Wednesday wondering if we're going to have any no-shows.

Hopefully we'll get some activity and clarity in the next day or two, but if we don't then I'll have no choice but to mothball this.
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Posted - 8/31/2024 3:18:16 AM Post a reply to so far, the consensus is that the Vixens are in it to win it
so far, the consensus is that the Vixens are in it to win it
even so, i'm looking at taking some Vegas odds
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Fuck Yeah!
Posted - 8/30/2024 11:10:33 PM Post a reply to my first year....
my first year....
... having The Hammer. 🔨 Might become a tradition, boys.
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/30/2024 11:08:58 PM Post a reply to fucking Yes
fucking Yes
that's how it fucking works.
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Posted - 8/30/2024 10:38:50 AM Post a reply to Auction is completed!
Auction is completed!
I'll transfer over the remaining Copper Pieces.

Lineup decisions will be available on Tuesday.

Thanks for auctioning, everyone!
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Posted - 8/29/2024 1:14:36 PM Post a reply to WE ARE LOCKED IN FOR 2024!
AND we draft in just six days!

Here is [redacted]. Please try to pay ASAP, as we'll be drafting in less than a week.

There is one open team for 2024, so everyone has a green light to recruit someone to join us.
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/26/2024 1:53:17 PM Post a reply to the big weekend is NEXT WEEK!
the big weekend is NEXT WEEK!
I'll be getting tested for both Monkey Pox and Bird Flu. Am praying to be clear.
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Kudos for the New History Link
Posted - 8/18/2024 12:36:44 PM Post a reply to thanks!
it is super helpful, for sure
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 8/15/2024 1:08:16 PM Post a reply to Thunder's 2024 Keeper Declarations
Thunder's 2024 Keeper Declarations
I spoke with Eric on the phone and found out that he did not know that he was supposed to uncheck the "Keep" checkboxes next to each player. He thought that all he had to do was select the relevant value in the "Round" dropdowns (which he did do).

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Redundancy post
Posted - 8/15/2024 6:11:38 AM Post a reply to Beer Coupon, anyone?
Beer Coupon, anyone?
I decided to get a good night's sleep last night, something that has been a rare thing for me of late. Got up at my normal 5:30am, made a cup of coffee, and then hit the big button. Here are the rookie keepers and where they are kept:

Round 2
Bijan Robinson, Dynasty
Jahmyr Gibbs, Everyone Knows Bigfoots Are Real

Round 3
De'Von Achane, Black Surt
C.J. Stroud, Born Agains

Round 4
Anthony Richardson, Mao

Round 5
Sam LaPorta, Bruins
Dalton Kincaid, Fowl Mouth Bass

Round 8
Tyjae Spears, Gamblers

Annnnnnnd, we all get a beer coupon from the Asgard Thunder!

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2024 Drafthouse Roll Call!
Posted - 8/14/2024 12:35:59 PM Post a reply to sorry to see you go, JJ
sorry to see you go, JJ
... but I totally understand. I'm glad that you are still in those other leagues!
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2024 Drafthouse Roll Call!
Posted - 8/12/2024 10:15:02 PM Post a reply to 2024 Drafthouse Roll Call!
2024 Drafthouse Roll Call!
Who is in for our weekly Drafthouse league for 2024? Chime in here and once we have a quorum, I will set up LeagueSafe for us. Woot!
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Posted - 8/12/2024 10:01:26 PM Post a reply to LeagueSafe is set up
LeagueSafe is set up
Please head on over to LeagueSafe to pay the Aurora dues, as we'll be starting our auction this upcoming weekend.
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Posted - 8/12/2024 9:25:09 PM Post a reply to Thanks for the quick Harumpfs!  Let's auction!
Thanks for the quick Harumpfs! Let's auction!
I've set up LeagueSafe for Midgard 2024 and we'll start auctioning THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 17TH (effectively midnight on Friday)!
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/12/2024 8:57:10 PM Post a reply to Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
We are quickly approaching our Draft Weekend destination... time to get into it!

Here is the LeagueSafe link to pay the league dues.

Regarding food and fun for the big weekend, I think the house is well stocked for activities. I think I'm going to leave the croquet set behind, but will be bringing bocce ball and poker chips.

For food, I'm thinking of doing another smoked pulled pork and coleslaw just like I did last year. I'll bring tons of it and will restock a crock pot as needed. I'll bring buns and homemade NC vinegar sauce.

I'll also probably bring some homemade relishes, jalapenos, and hot sauces.
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Posted - 7/29/2024 6:51:45 AM Post a reply to MIDGARD 2024 OFFICIAL ROLL CALL!
My apologies for being behind schedule this season. Midgard 2024 is officially launching!

This is the official roll call for Midgard 2024! Please reply to this thread with your intention to join us for the upcoming season (or not, if that's the case).

I'll be setting up LeagueSafe later today and will also share that link. We're just two weeks away from starting our auction! 🏈
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Posted - 7/29/2024 6:50:16 AM Post a reply to ROLL CALL FOR AURORA 2024!
My apologies for being behind schedule this season. Aurora 2024 will definitely be happening!

This is the official roll call for Aurora 2024! Please reply to this thread with your intention to join us for the upcoming season (or not, if that's the case).

I'll be setting up LeagueSafe later today and will also share that link. We're just two weeks away from starting our auction! 🏈
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Reverend Hound
Posted - 7/22/2024 8:19:50 AM Post a reply to Reverend Hound
Reverend Hound
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golf streaming
Posted - 6/7/2024 9:49:55 AM Post a reply to golf streaming
golf streaming
If anyone is in the mood to make some popcorn and pop open a beer and watch some live streamed VR mini golf, I'll be caddying a match tonight at 9:30pm eastern time. It's the Who's Your Caddy tournament, where I was randomly assigned to an amateur golfer Wyndemere and my role is to teach and assist and then live caddy her tournament matches. We've put in a ton of practice hours and she's really come a long way. She's made it to the third round of the tournament bracket and we are now in the Elite Eight. In tonight's match, I'll be helping her by reminding her of certain shots, how to recover from bad shots, setting up bank shots, and if she starts to feel the pressure I'll be talking her off of the ledge. All of the previous streams, as well as tonight's stream, are viewable on Facebook:

Who's Your Caddy tournament

I'm surprised by how much fun and how much investment I have in this, even though I'm not the one swinging the putter. If she beats Elvis the Pelvis tonight, we're in the Final Four!
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/6/2024 7:57:11 PM Post a reply to Yep, RDU is best
Yep, RDU is best
You'll be able to easily get rides to and from Raleigh. I think the Minnesota Boyz may have gotten their plane tickets yesterday?
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Rules Proposal 27.2: Extend Free Agent Rookie Keeper Eligibility
Posted - 5/4/2024 8:23:50 AM Post a reply to Proposal 27.2: Extend Rookie Free Agent window?
Proposal 27.2: Extend Rookie Free Agent window?
It's time to figure out if we want to do this or if we want to leave the rookies alone. I've put up a ballot box to do an official league vote.

I like the existing limited window because it is a parallel to the rookie rule in the draft. Specifically, we have a draft before the season begins and that is where we've defined the risk/reward evaluation for potential rookie keepers. If you want to take a chance on a rookie, you have to do it before the season starts and then you gain a 23 slot advantage in the following year.

If we extend rookie free agent eligibility out to Week 8, it seems that it dilutes the importance of drafting rookies. Yes, potential blue chip rookies will still be drafted. But most of the risks are removed by Week 8 and we'll all be simply bidding on players that have already shown their worth.

I'll be voting against this rules change, but of course everyone is welcome to offer their 2 cents and cast their own vote.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/2/2024 9:41:53 AM Post a reply to ZACH'S PALACE IS OFFICIALLY BOOKED!
I just got the official confirmation.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 12:19:32 PM Post a reply to Born Agains top three picks
Born Agains top three picks
1. Zach's Palace
2. Beautiful Deep Water
3. Main Lake Views
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/29/2024 11:02:21 PM Post a reply to MASSIVE DRAFT WEEKEND SUMMARY
Ok, boys, I've done my first round of lookups for venues for our 2024 Ragnarok Draft Weekend and here is what I've found. I'm going to put both the old and the new options into one list in order to make it easy for everyone to review and give opinions.

Before I do so, let me tell you what my minimum criteria was:
* outdoor covered smoking/lounging area in case of rain (this one was non-negotiable)
* 4 bedrooms
* 3 bathrooms
* 9 beds
* large area suitable for drafting
* 3000+ square feet

The prices are the real prices, which include all fees and taxes. I am also including the estimated cost per person, per night, based on a total of 31 "people nights" like we had last year. This could change by a smidge in either direction.

Let's try to make a group decision this week? Time is flying and places are getting booked.

Ok, heeeeeere we go (in no particular order):

Waterfront Log Cabin, aka Zach's Palace, Lake Gaston $2900 = $94/night
Zach's link on AirBnb is $100/night cheaper than the same listing on VRBO
- Pros: large floor plan, 6 bedrooms, 11 beds, firepit, screened and covered smoking lounge, pool table, shufflepuck, arcade cabinet, downstairs bar, paddleboat, kayaks

Mt Gilead, Lake Tillery $2441 = $79/night
Pros: 4,162 square feet, 6 bedrooms, firepit, canoe, next to Uwharrie National Forest which is the biggest bigfoot hotspot in NC
Cons: only covered smoking lounge is the boat dock

Serene, Lake Gaston $2439 = $79/night
- Pros: 4,635 square feet, hot tub, pool table, ping pong, darts, firepit, premade cornhole pits, 4 bathrooms, kayaks, boat house lounge
- Cons: limited cover in case of rain

Last Escape. Lake Gaston $2328 = $75/night
- Pros: 4,400 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, ping pong, firepit, 2 kayaks, covered area for rain that can support cornhole

Water Toys, Lake Gaston $2804 = $91/night
- Pros: 13 beds, 3 stories, covered area for cornhole, pool table, classic arcade, Star Wars pinball, paddle boat, kayaks, standup board, firebit, outside bar
- Cons: no large open room for drafting

Main Lake Views, Lake Gaston $2703 = $87/night
Pros: 3500 square feet, 3 stories, 10 beds, covered area for cornhole, pool table, firepit, kayaks, stand up boards

Beautiful Deep Water, Lake Gaston $1801 = $58/night
Pros: 3,047 square feet and only $1800, 10 beds, great drafting room, firepit that includes wood, screened covered smoking lounge, boathouse bar with fridge, foosball, kayaks, stand up board

Blessings to all.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/4/2024 10:16:34 AM Post a reply to Seems that a 2024 Vegas trip may not be ideal
Seems that a 2024 Vegas trip may not be ideal
Despite my willingness to go, it would also be difficult for me due to all of the other traveling (and corresponding expenses) that I'll be doing this year (including an 11 night trip to northern Wisconsin this summer).

Let's bring our Draft Weekend focus back to our normal routines for 2024....

I'm assuming that there will be a high desire this year to go back to a lakehouse. Speaking for myself, I value a large venue more than having a lake nearby, especially if the large venue is off the beaten path and is a good value. That being said, a lakehouse is certainly A-OK in my book.

It's already April and we really do need to try to dial this in as soon as we can, because venues are already starting to get booked.

What are everyone's thoughts about a general area to target for Draft Weekend 2024?

Grace and Peace,
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Big Personal Announcement
Posted - 4/1/2024 9:43:25 PM Post a reply to Big Personal Announcement
Big Personal Announcement
It's been a really long journey for me, and I feel like I'm on the final road to my ultimate destination.

Years ago, I started with revisiting the topic of ghosts (as a footnote, I lived in an real haunted house - just ask my agnostic dad). Ghosts are an obvious reality and there is a mountain of evidence supporting this, despite what some Arrogant Mother Fuckers may believe to the contrary.

About 15 years ago, out of curiosity I started diving into the alien topic and the more that I did so, the more weird things started happening. The ramping up of coincidences was so alarming that when my son was being born I had to stop because there was clearly something happening that was more than meets the eye. That was really the first time that I started genuinely wondering about the connection between aliens and tricksters that seemed paranormal or even demonic. Alien experiencers would describe how they had time anomalies, mind speak, and more, and that when they would invoke the name of Jesus their abductions would immediately stop. That fact that so many people would describe that really shocked me. But I digress.

The more I looked into this topic of aliens, the more synchronicity would happen in my daily life. Because it was so overwhelming and because I didn't want this strangeness to get closer to my family, I stopped looking into the aliens. It was a decision based on caution.

So then many years passed, and when the pandemic started I wanted to look for something to entertain me and give me some laughs. I looked at Bigfoot and now four years have passed, and I am finding SO many connections between the topic of bigfoot and the topic of aliens. Connections that I would have never expected. Mind speak, sulfur smells, rules about engagement and granting permission, time dilations, and more. Including the invocation of Jesus and its impact on stopping the experiences. The crazy concept of bigfoots being Nephilim, or at least products of Nephilim, was showing to be relevant.

Next week, a solar eclipse will be happening. And not just any solar eclipse. The eclipse will be passing through seven towns named Nineveh. There is a red calf. The U.S. government is deploying troops and NASA is conducting strange experiments. The CERN collider will be doing even stranger occult experiments. Everything is coming to a head and my eyes are wide open. Unlike the recent popular movie name, I'm definitely looking "up."

Everything is coming together. And after retrospecting upon my middling success of the past couple of football seasons, I'm compelled to change my team to reflect my spiritual journey and my ultimate destination.

I am hereby changing my team name from the Interdimensional Bigfoots to now and forever be the Nineveh Born Agains. May we all meet in Heaven.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 3/24/2024 1:19:29 PM Post a reply to I'll go!
I'll go!
Let's go to Vegas! Doing a cursory look, flights are about 300 bucks and there are amazing AirBnB's with swimming pools for about $30/night per person.
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Rules Proposal 27.2: Extend Free Agent Rookie Keeper Eligibility
Posted - 2/11/2024 8:31:27 AM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 27.2: Extend Free Agent Rookie Keeper Eligibility
Rules Proposal 27.2: Extend Free Agent Rookie Keeper Eligibility
It is hereby proposed that we expand the free agent rookie eligibility from 4 weeks to 8 weeks. This would allow rookies picked up in free agency from Weeks 1-8 to be eligible to be rookie keepers in the following year. The 11-slot protection for free agency rookies would remain the same.
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 2/11/2024 8:28:00 AM Post a reply to that's an interesting idea
that's an interesting idea
With our roster size being so large, however, I don't think it's that much of a burden to have to decide how to utilize a lone IR slot. If I was in a position where I had a stud franchise player and a worth rookie keeper, I'd just put one of them at the end of my 20-man roster and rub my hands together with glee while thinking about the next season.
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Superbowl Props
Posted - 1/9/2024 10:06:17 AM Post a reply to Superbowl Props
Superbowl Props
That Superbowl Props pool was a lot of fun and I want to do it again this year. Last year, I put up a 1/2 ounce of silver as the prize (and then won it *cough*), but do we want to still have a free entry or do we want to spice it up a bit and put some skin in the game? I'm actually fine either way, and am just taking the temperature of the room.
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Congrats to the Robot Sea Monsters
Posted - 1/8/2024 11:40:03 AM Post a reply to Payouts
Payouts are allocated on LeagueSafe and will be dispersed after a majority vote by everyone.

Here is how it broke down:

(weekly) (team name) (postseason) (total)
$100 Robot Sea Monsters + $35 = $135
$60 Bigfoot Barleywine + $15 = $75 (then dues subtracted, for a net payout of $25)
$40 Northern Exposure + $10 = $50 (then dues subtracted, for a net payout of $0)
$40 A-Train + $0 = $40
$20 Killing Me Smalls! + $20 = $40
$20 Go To Helen Waite + $5 = $25
$20 Ludicrous Speed + $5 = $25 (then dues subtracted, will directly send me the remaining owed $25)
$0 Show Me The Money + $10 = $10
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Posted - 1/8/2024 11:31:07 AM Post a reply to payouts!
Payouts are allocated via LeagueSafe, pending a majority vote by everyone. The 1st Place prize is being paid out to Josh, and he'll be passing the prize to his brother who won the league (Jake doesn't have a LeagueSafe account).
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Praying for another miracle
Posted - 1/8/2024 11:27:01 AM Post a reply to payouts!
Payouts are allocated via LeagueSafe, pending a majority vote by everyone. The 4th Place prize of $25 to Just One More Thing was not dispersed because they were the one team that hadn't paid their dues in August, but the 4th Place prize is the same as their buy-in so it was a wash.
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 1/5/2024 9:31:43 AM Post a reply to Payouts are allocated
Payouts are allocated
Billy missed his dues this year for the first time, and he'll be directly paying $75 to Alex when he sees him on Sunday. Eric missed his dues for the 11th year in a row and didn't set up his owner account for Ragnarok in LeagueSafe, so David will get the $15 that is owed to Eric and will just pass it along to Eric the next time they see each other.

That being said, I'm supremely confident that Eric will actually break his 11 year streak and pay his dues on time in 2024.
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2024 Predictions
Posted - 1/2/2024 8:18:03 PM Post a reply to 2024 Predictions
2024 Predictions
Does anyone have any 2024 (non-football) predictions that they would like to share? I know that I do, but I'm still in the process of defining them.
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 1/2/2024 8:16:30 PM Post a reply to Ragnarok Pro Bowl sounds awesome
Ragnarok Pro Bowl sounds awesome
it takes a little bit of setup and stuff, but let's make it happen!
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Congrats to the Robot Sea Monsters
Posted - 1/1/2024 12:32:07 PM Post a reply to Congrats to the Robot Sea Monsters
Congrats to the Robot Sea Monsters
Despite taking a CeeDee Lamb 33.5 point punch to the face on Thursday night, followed by a 35 point haymaker by Lamar Jackson, the Robot Sea Monsters put up solid scores across their entire roster and won the 2023 Drafthouse Championship.

Thanks for a really smooth season, boys! We really had our best year yet for our Wednesday night drafts. We were always on time and fairly quick, and the weekly payouts were nicely spread out. The season went way too quickly!
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Posted - 1/1/2024 12:28:38 PM Post a reply to Congrats to Seeping Anus for the Aurora Championship!
Congrats to Seeping Anus for the Aurora Championship!
Never thought I'd be saying congrats for a Seeping Anus! 😋
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Praying for another miracle
Posted - 1/1/2024 12:18:14 PM Post a reply to Congrats to the Defiance Wolverines!!
Congrats to the Defiance Wolverines!!
After 10 years of competitive play since their last championship, they finally earned their second title. Well deserved!
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 1/1/2024 12:16:08 PM Post a reply to Congrats to the Medical Center!
Congrats to the Medical Center!
Back to back, BOOM!
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Posted - 12/27/2023 7:32:22 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE CHAMPIONSHIP ROOM
Drafthouse Championship Draft Room

Payouts ladder:
-> 1st: $35
-> 2nd: $20
-> 3rd: $15
-> 4th: $10
-> 5th: $10
-> 6th: $5
-> 7th: $5
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Posted - 12/27/2023 2:59:04 PM Post a reply to Congrats on Seeping Anus and Show Me Your TDs for making it to the big game!
Congrats on Seeping Anus and Show Me Your TDs for making it to the big game!
The top two seeds will be squaring off for the Aurora 2023 Championship!
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Praying for another miracle
Posted - 12/26/2023 7:38:47 PM Post a reply to Congrats to Ya Neva Know and the Defiance Wolverines for making it to the Championship
Congrats to Ya Neva Know and the Defiance Wolverines for making it to the Championship
You were the top two seeds and it should be a great championship game!
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Posted - 12/20/2023 8:15:50 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE PLAYOFFS DRAFT ROOM
Drafthouse Playoffs, Round 1
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Posted - 12/17/2023 11:40:37 AM Post a reply to Actually, you get the #2 seed
Actually, you get the #2 seed
The rules are VP, W-L, then YTD points. I had that mixed up when I set up the seedings. The reason you got the #2 seed instead of the #1 seed is because of the role of Victory Points, which reflect that Show Me Your TDs scored 200 more points than your team.
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Free Agency ending date
Posted - 12/16/2023 12:16:11 PM Post a reply to Free Agency ending date
Free Agency ending date
What are everyone's thoughts concerning our old school approach to the Free Agency deadline? As it stands right now, our last free agency bid sessions are tomorrow, which are during the first week of the playoffs. Do we want to extend it one more week, into the second round of the playoffs, and then make this the rule going forward?

I'd like to give a little background about why the rules have been set up the way they were. We have a fairly large roster as compared to many other leagues, and so a restrictive free agency deadline was set up in order to reward teams that plan ahead for the three week gauntlet that has to be run in order to win a Championship. We don't want teams winning the league just because they picked up a backup player that because of injuries is thrust into a starting role during the playoff run itself. If someone had such player(s) on their roster and then opportunity rang, they deserve it. But I'm of the opinion (just my opinion) that it would be a bummer to see someone pickup a free agent in Week 17 and have that be the deciding factor after we've all played a full season's campaign.

That being said, I'm open to extending it to be after the second week of the playoffs but am very reluctant to have it be available in the Championship week.

Since this would be a rules change during a season, we really need to have consensus in order to be fair. There may be teams that blew out their Free Agency budget at the end of the year because they were observing the upcoming deadline. If so, we should be respectful of those decisions made under the current rules structure.

Even if we don't make the change in 2023, we should decide if we want to make this change for 2024 and beyond.

What does everyone think that we should do for 2023?
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Posted - 12/13/2023 7:22:36 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 15 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 15 Official Draft Room
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Posted - 12/12/2023 8:47:03 PM Post a reply to officiating
ok, ok, I know it's a hot topic of late but I have to say that I think the discussion is warranted. I haven't had a chance to watch a ton of football this year, but whenever I have watched games it's mind boggling how many flags are being thrown.

I get it: A penalty is a penalty is a penalty. But the reality is that every game that I have watched, without exception, is marred by flags. Whether it is bad flags being thrown or no flags being thrown, SOOOO many scoring plays are directly impacted by this. I'll see a score, remark to myself about the impact on the game, and 80% of the time it feels like there is a flag that gets thrown late. Even 10+ seconds after the play is over.

With the inconsistent penalties that are having a direct effect on the outcome of games, and all of the other TV timeouts and commercial breaks, it seems that it has become more challenging to simply sit down and enjoy a football game.

Maybe I'm just mis-remembering the way I used to watch football, but this seems jarring. I hope that the officiating can get smoothed out and our fan experience and confidence in the system can be improved.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/12/2023 8:38:48 PM Post a reply to tsk
so close to a W5, but not close enough. you get a bye, though, to run some film.
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Playoff Madness
Posted - 12/10/2023 12:15:51 PM Post a reply to Yep, VP's drive the show
Yep, VP's drive the show
I've also set up the Week 14 Aurora Bowla temporary schedule. After the week's scores are in, I'll rearrange the matchups in order to give the appropriate W-L records.

Next weeks the playoffs begin! Trading is closed but free agency will continue for one more week.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 11:20:05 AM Post a reply to I say let's just make him an unofficial TE for the rest of this year
I say let's just make him an unofficial TE for the rest of this year
and then codify it for 2024 and beyond?
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 11:13:27 AM Post a reply to since it is a weird and last minute thing....
since it is a weird and last minute thing....
... we should do whatever we think is fair for the immediate moment.

Going forward, though, it should be a definitive thing that is not open to interpretation. In the past, we've always deferred to NFL.com as the official list of players and their positions. Unfortunately, I don't think that is in the Rules Book but it definitely should be written going forward.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 9:18:13 AM Post a reply to Taysom Hill
Taysom Hill
As the great philosopher Aristotle once remarked, "Sometimes a QB is simply a QB." Because the NFL officially made him a QB, he's a QB and can no longer be started as a TE.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/7/2023 12:41:36 PM Post a reply to Free Agent fix
Free Agent fix
The Mao's free agent bids from 12/6 had a glitch, probably due to the roster having an IR spot. Mao bid 4MB for the Saints defense and won it (and bid 5MB for Flacco but lost that bid). The Saints are now on the Mao roster and the Gamblers have the Buccaneers put back on their team and has been refunded their 3MB.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/7/2023 12:39:17 PM Post a reply to NFL.com moved him to QB
NFL.com moved him to QB

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Posted - 12/6/2023 8:13:58 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 14 DRAFT ROOM
Week 14 Official Draft Room
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/6/2023 5:53:12 PM Post a reply to Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
This covers both free agency and trading.

Get your players now, while supplies last!
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Merry Christmas from Sunnyvale Trailer Park!
Posted - 12/1/2023 5:37:41 PM Post a reply to Merry Christmas from Sunnyvale Trailer Park!
Merry Christmas from Sunnyvale Trailer Park!
Ho ho ho!
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Trade deadline
Posted - 12/1/2023 5:36:46 PM Post a reply to I'll get all rulesy tonight or tomorrow...
I'll get all rulesy tonight or tomorrow...
... and will make sure the Rules Book is tight and also explicitly confirm the deadlines.
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Posted - 11/29/2023 8:19:09 PM Post a reply to Congrats to Ludicrous Speed for last week's win!
Congrats to Ludicrous Speed for last week's win!
Week 13 Official Draft Room

Money standings so far:
$80 Robot Sea Monsters
$40 Bigfoot Barleywine
$40 Northern Exposure
$20 A-Train
$20 Killing Me Smalls!
$20 Go To Helen Waite
$20 Ludicrous Speed
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Posted - 11/22/2023 7:50:23 PM Post a reply to Congrats to Go To Helen Waite!
Congrats to Go To Helen Waite!
Go To Helen Waite is on the board!

Week 12 Official Draft Room
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Posted - 11/15/2023 8:04:16 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 11 DRAFT ROOM
Week 11 draft room

Congrats to Northern Exposure and the Robot Sea Monsters for the past two weeks' wins. Northern Exposure has quietly risen to the top of the W-L standings, too.
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Posted - 11/8/2023 8:27:51 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 10 DRAFT ROOM
Week 10 draft room
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Posted - 11/8/2023 8:23:54 PM Post a reply to Drafthouse Week 10 room comin' up!
Drafthouse Week 10 room comin' up!
am juggling mad science.. ..
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Whooda Thunkit
Posted - 11/8/2023 12:01:06 PM Post a reply to Kicker for 41CP!
Kicker for 41CP!
Yow. That's a rich kicker. You were outbid, Vixens.

Mac Jones is now on the Manster's roster at the cost of 1CP.
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Free Agency adjustments
Posted - 11/5/2023 7:08:24 AM Post a reply to Free Agency adjustments
Free Agency adjustments
Since we are having a game in Germany today at 9:30am Eastern time, we'll be moving our FA session from 10am to 9am.

In addition, I've permanently moved our Sunday 12pm FA sessions to 12:30pm. This is to help teams juggle those last minute active/inactive adjustments and have more than just a few minutes to react.
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Posted - 11/1/2023 8:14:31 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 9 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 9 Draft Room

Congrats to Northern Exposure on last week's win!

I'll try to get the opponent's schedule integrated before we start. I have a quick 1 vs 1 league VR mini golf match to bang out first.
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HUGE stakes today!
Posted - 10/29/2023 12:20:25 PM Post a reply to HUGE stakes today!
HUGE stakes today!
If Black Surt wins this week, they'll get the Arrogant Mother Fucker badge! And with deer hunting season not starting until next week, he'll have a chance.
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Posted - 10/25/2023 8:40:31 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 8 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 8 draft room
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Being a fan of Science and all...
Posted - 10/25/2023 7:29:26 PM Post a reply to Being a fan of Science and all...
Being a fan of Science and all...
... I think the evidence just proved that Bigfoots are INDEED "interdimensional."
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Posted - 10/25/2023 6:22:44 PM Post a reply to starting in Week 9, the Pick Yer Draft Slot will close at 7pm Eastern time on Wednesday night
starting in Week 9, the Pick Yer Draft Slot will close at 7pm Eastern time on Wednesday night
That will give me a two hour window to set everything up. Thanks!
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 8:10:46 PM Post a reply to I'm going to gamble that one year someone else will win the Rumble
I'm going to gamble that one year someone else will win the Rumble
That being said, I do LOVE the Week 14 approach regardless of stupid NFL bye week scheduling. As long as we all know while we are in our summertime bunkers when the Ragnarok Rumble will happen and we are mock drafting accordingly, F the bye weeks and let's go with the final regular season week of the year. That week is the best for reflecting long-game ownership strategies, too. Roschon Johnson, do you hear that?
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 11:48:20 AM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
For the 2024 season, do we want to move the Ragnarok Rumble schedule to be a week other than the last week of the regular fantasy season? We do have the option of putting this in any regular season week where there are no bye weeks. It could be in the first few weeks (such as Week 1) or it could be in a situation like in 2023 where there are no bye weeks in the middle of the regular season (such as in Week 8).

Even though 2022 has two teams on a bye week in Week 14, I think it is too late for us to move it in 2023. There may have been some owners who drafted their 2023 teams based on the knowledge of the schedule. That being said, if all 12 of us wanted to shift the Ragnarok Rumble to happen this week instead of Week 14, I am open to that. But it would have to be unanimous.
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Posted - 10/18/2023 8:04:12 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 7 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
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Posted - 10/12/2023 7:53:36 AM Post a reply to Sorry for the snafus last night
Sorry for the snafus last night
I got knocked out of the big tournament and won't be missing any more live drafts. Thanks for y'alls patience!
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I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
Posted - 10/11/2023 6:11:47 PM Post a reply to I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
It's a 32-team tournament against the best players in the world.

Our match starts at 8pm Eastern time on Twitch. I'm the player "Dadsquatcher" and my teammate is "Alabamer Hammer". We're going against two heavyweights to see who goes to the Final Four.

Watch it on Twitch


Here is our last match we played, to get to the Elite Eight

The level of competition is really off the chain. That guy Fugo Hallarin had just finished playing in a worldwide tournament match of 100's of players and he got 2nd place overall. He came straight from that tournament right into our matchup. Fugo was also the #1 player last week on the main Discord server that I play on.

Since not everyone has two hours to sit back and watch some high level mini golf, here are some timestamps of my personal highlights in this insanely intense match (I'm Dadsquatcher):

QUIXOTE VALLEY (easy course):
Hole #10, 30m44s
Hole #12, 33m40s
Hole #13, 37m30s
Hole #18, 48m40s

TOURIST TRAP (hard course):
Hole #1, 58m45s
Hole #5, 1h12m01s
Hole #13, 1h34m30s
Hole #14, 1h37m57s
Hole #18, 1h51m00s
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I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
Posted - 10/11/2023 6:09:26 PM Post a reply to I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
It's a 32-team tournament against the best players in the world.

Our match starts at 8pm Eastern time on Twitch. I'm the player "Dadsquatcher" and my teammate is "Alabamer Hammer". We're going against two heavyweights to see who goes to the Final Four.

Watch it on Twitch


Here is our last match we played, to get to the Elite Eight

The level of competition is really off the chain. That guy Fugo Hallarin had just finished playing in a worldwide tournament match of 100's of players and he got 2nd place overall. He came straight from that tournament right into our matchup. Fugo was also the #1 player last week on the main Discord server that I play on.

Since not everyone has two hours to sit back and watch some high level mini golf, here are some timestamps of my personal highlights in this insanely intense match (I'm Dadsquatcher):

QUIXOTE VALLEY (easy course):
Hole #10, 30m44s
Hole #12, 33m40s
Hole #13, 37m30s
Hole #18, 48m40s

TOURIST TRAP (hard course):
Hole #1, 58m45s
Hole #5, 1h12m01s
Hole #13, 1h34m30s
Hole #14, 1h37m57s
Hole #18, 1h51m00s
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/11/2023 6:06:49 PM Post a reply to It's official, I'll be live streamed on Twitch tonight
It's official, I'll be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Match starts at 8pm Eastern time on Twitch. We're going against two heavyweights to see who goes to the Final Four.
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Posted - 10/11/2023 6:04:59 PM Post a reply to Streaming link, if anyone wants to watch
Streaming link, if anyone wants to watch
Match starts at 8pm Eastern time on Twitch. I'm the player "Dadsquatcher" and my teammate is "Alabamer Hammer". We're going against two heavyweights to see who goes to the Final Four.
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Posted - 10/11/2023 5:41:54 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 6 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM

I'll be using a prepared worksheet to draft for me while I am playing in an epic VR mini golf tournament.
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Posted - 10/11/2023 10:26:53 AM Post a reply to I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
I'll be in a VR mini golf tournament tonight
It's a 32-team tournament against the best players in the world and if we win tonight then we'll make it to the Final Four. I think it will be live streamed on Twitch.

I'll have to set up the draft room early tonight, so Pick Yer Draft Slot will end at 5:00pm Eastern time today. I'll also be setting up my own custom worksheet to draft in my place. Lastly, I'll set up my laptop next to my VR playing area so that I can try to at least make sure that the room is up and running.

Here is our last match we played, to get to the Elite Eight

The level of competition is really off the chain. That guy Fugo Hallarin had just finished playing in a worldwide tournament match of 100's of players and he got 2nd place overall. He came straight from that tournament right into our matchup. Fugo was also the #1 player last week on the main Discord server that I play on.

Since not everyone has two hours to sit back and watch some high level mini golf, here are some timestamps of my personal highlights in this insanely intense match (I'm Dadsquatcher):

QUIXOTE VALLEY (easy course):
Hole #10, 30m44s
Hole #12, 33m40s
Hole #13, 37m30s
Hole #18, 48m40s

TOURIST TRAP (hard course):
Hole #1, 58m45s
Hole #5, 1h12m01s
Hole #13, 1h34m30s
Hole #14, 1h37m57s
Hole #18, 1h51m00s
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/10/2023 8:40:55 PM Post a reply to Probably going to be live streamed again on Wednesday night
Probably going to be live streamed again on Wednesday night
Am playing to make it to the Final Four in the big tournament. I'm nervous as fuck but normally I get nervous in advance. And then once the balls are flying I toss all of those distractions out the window. I hope that I can get in the zone for the biggest match of my life tomorrow night. If we are going to be streamed, I'll post the Twitch link.
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Posted - 10/10/2023 8:22:41 AM Post a reply to Congrats to Killing Me Smalls!
Congrats to Killing Me Smalls!
He killed us in Week 5. Here are the updating pay standings:

$40 Robot Sea Monsters
$20 A-Train
$20 Bigfoot Barleywine
$20 Killing Me Smalls!

The draft slot picks are set up for Week 6 and are ready for everyone to pick their slot.
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Tyler Boyd
Posted - 10/5/2023 11:03:21 AM Post a reply to Yep!
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Posted - 10/4/2023 8:25:09 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 5 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 5 draft room
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/2/2023 10:07:16 AM Post a reply to timestamps
Squatch Watchers vs He Who Dares Wins

The level of competition is really off the chain. That guy Fugo Hallarin had just finished playing in a worldwide tournament match of 100's of players and he got 2nd place overall. He came straight from that tournament right into our matchup. Fugo was also the #1 player last week on the main Discord server that I play on.

Since not everyone has two hours to sit back and watch some high level mini golf, here are some timestamps of my personal highlights in this insanely intense match (I'm Dadsquatcher):

QUIXOTE VALLEY (easy course):
Hole #10, 30m44s
Hole #12, 33m40s (watch to the end)
Hole #13, 37m30s
Hole #18, 48m40s

TOURIST TRAP (hard course):
Hole #1, 58m45s
Hole #5, 1h12m01s
Hole #13, 1h34m30s
Hole #14, 1h37m57s
Hole #18, 1h51m00s
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/1/2023 9:01:22 PM Post a reply to We won the game...
We won the game...
... and we are now in the Elite Eight, out of 32 starting teams. It was an epic and incredibly intense match and it can be viewed on that Twitch channel anytime (after the live broadcast the matches are also archived and are viewable). I hit some super clutch and killer shots to save the day. Definitely the highest moment so far in my mini golf journey.
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/1/2023 11:05:16 AM Post a reply to I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight

I'm in a team-based tournament in Walkabout Mini Golf with the 64 best players in the world and my partner and I are in the second round. As an aside, my partner Alabamer Hammer has actually seen a bigfoot and that's why our team name is Squatch Watchers.

Our 6pm game is going to be live streamed on Twitch if anyone would like to watch it. If we win tonight's game, we'll advance to the Elite Eight!
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Posted - 9/28/2023 7:24:37 PM Post a reply to League dues
League dues
LeagueSafe won't accept league payments after 9/7/2023 (ugh - they used to allow later payments). It was so crazy leading up to the first draft that being more strict about this was an oversight on my behalf. For Cory, Eric, and Matt, keep your eye out for emailed information to directly send a check, silver, or livestock to me.
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Posted - 9/28/2023 6:05:00 PM Post a reply to Rosters are coming up
Rosters are coming up
I'm fixing one issue with the automation so that copying rosters from the draft room to this website will just take a button click.
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Posted - 9/27/2023 8:46:14 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 4 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 4 draft room
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Pick Your Slot is up
Posted - 9/24/2023 9:03:51 AM Post a reply to rosters coming up!
rosters coming up!
Sorry about the delay, I've been slammed the past few days. I'm actually working on fixing my export tool that automatically transfers the rosters with just a button click, instead of manually inputting 64 players each week. If anyone has any injury and free agency concerns before I get this done within the next hour, please feel free to reach out to me in order to make any roster adjustments. Thanks for your patience!
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Pick Your Slot is up
Posted - 9/20/2023 7:18:44 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 3 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 3 draft room

I won't be able to make it to the draft tonight but will try to check in briefly to make sure that it is running. I've set up my personal rankings to draft in my place.
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Happy Birthday, Stu!
Posted - 9/20/2023 2:39:48 PM Post a reply to Happy Birthday, Stu!
Happy Birthday, Stu!
Hope you are having a great day..
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Pick Your Slot is up
Posted - 9/20/2023 2:33:19 PM Post a reply to Deadline will be 7pm Eastern for pick your draft slot
Deadline will be 7pm Eastern for pick your draft slot
I have an 8pm tournament game in VR Walkabout Mini Golf and it will run about two hours. I'll need to set up the draft room before my tee time. I'm also going to set up my own rankings worksheet before the draft, and will have that pick for me (vs simply having the computer pick for me).
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Pick Your Slot is up
Posted - 9/19/2023 3:20:19 PM Post a reply to Pick Your Slot is up
Pick Your Slot is up
Look in the league homepage's leftside menu, as well as your team page. The deadline will be Wednesday nights at 8pm Eastern time.
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Posted - 9/13/2023 6:42:46 PM Post a reply to DRAFTHOUSE WEEK 2 OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Week 2 draft room
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Free Agency currency
Posted - 9/13/2023 5:50:51 PM Post a reply to Random Week 2 draft order is...
Random Week 2 draft order is...
Helen Waite
Ludicrous Speed
Northern Exposure
Bigfoot Barleywine
Killing Me Smalls
Show Me The Money
Robot Sea Monsters
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Free Agency currency
Posted - 9/13/2023 1:41:30 PM Post a reply to Week 2 draft order
Week 2 draft order
Since stats and standings were not able to be resolved until Wednesday morning, that is really too late to expect everyone to be able to select their preferred draft slot (some folks are working up until it is time to draft).

Therefore, for this week it will be once again randomly picked. Some owners prefer to pick later rather than earlier, and some prefer earlier rather than later, so the only real neutral way to do this is to just randomize it like we did for our first week.

Starting in Week 3, we will go back to picking our own draft slots and that online form will be available starting on Tuesday mornings.

I'll be posting a new link to our Week 3 draft room later today. We'll have proper Week 2 0.5 PPR rankings in the room, as well as the NFL opposing team next to each player.
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Free Agency currency
Posted - 9/13/2023 7:23:06 AM Post a reply to Beers are delivered!
Beers are delivered!
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Posted - 9/8/2023 5:59:42 PM Post a reply to Ragnarok OFFICIAL DRAFT ROOM
Official 2023 Draft Room!
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Rules Proposal 26.7: Franchise Declaration After the Deadline
Posted - 9/6/2023 5:50:10 PM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.7: Franchise Declaration After the Deadline
Rules Proposal 26.7: Franchise Declaration After the Deadline
I think Stu brought up this idea, but it is now officially proposed that we have a path of appeals for changing our Franchise Declaration to accommodate very unusual events that take place after the Week 2 preseason games. While risks in this window are fairly low, they do exist and we need to keep this in mind because our primary Mission Statement is for all of us to field the most competitive teams evar.

The path for appeals needs to have a high threshold, however. This should be a rare event. And it needs to have a high bar for the appeal to be granted, such as 8 out of the 11 other owners. This should never be a mechanism that owners would flippantly use.

We also need to establish a deadline for such an appeal process, because we also need to allow for everyone to have enough time to plan for the live draft. Another cornerstone of Ragnarok is that we want everyone to have ample time and opportunity to come into the draft room being the most prepared as possible.

This process is more for handling cases like Jonathan Taylor's than it is for Travis Kelce's practice injury 3 days before the opening Week 1 game. I could be mistaken, but I think the Kelce situation might fall under the Jamaal Lewis Rule (not sure on the official injury requirements for the application of that rule).

For the situation at hand, this applies to the Bruins and Jonathan Taylor. There is a reasonable chance that Taylor may not play the entire season, and that is something that no one wishes upon the Bruins. I don't fault the Bruins for keeping Taylor, but I also want to see a competitive Bruins team. I'm for the court of appeals that has a very high bar for the appeal to win, but it's really up to everyone if we do this.

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Posted - 9/6/2023 5:32:32 PM Post a reply to Free Agency is TONIGHT!
Free Agency is TONIGHT!
Get your copper pieces ready!
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Thanks for the fun and high quality auction, boys
Posted - 9/6/2023 3:57:48 PM Post a reply to should be good to go
should be good to go
I had to kick the jukebox yesterday
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2023 Drafthouse ownership
Posted - 9/5/2023 7:00:00 PM Post a reply to Welcome Matt!
Welcome Matt!
The new Matt will be taking over the old Matt's team, lol.

We are all set and will be having a live and official draft tomorrow night! I'll create the draft room tonight and post that information here.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 9/5/2023 3:50:24 PM Post a reply to I'll bring the playing cards
I'll bring the playing cards
I certainly deserve that responsibility. I'll be bringing some waterproof ones. :P
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 9/5/2023 9:00:46 AM Post a reply to I'm bringing a stack of paper plates
I'm bringing a stack of paper plates
It may be good for someone to bring paper towels and, of course, toilet paper.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 9/5/2023 9:00:43 AM Post a reply to I'm bringing a stack of paper plates
I'm bringing a stack of paper plates
It may be good for someone to bring paper towels and, of course, toilet paper.
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Posted - 9/3/2023 9:56:32 AM Post a reply to Free agency is fucked up
Free agency is fucked up
Banks need deposits, most free agents aren't in the free agent pool, etc.

I'll get these things ironed out and then in order to be fair to everyone on this holiday weekend, we'll just have our first FA session on Wednesday night.
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Posted - 9/2/2023 12:20:16 PM Post a reply to FREE AGENCY STARTS ON SUNDAY!
Get your bids in!
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Thanks for the fun and high quality auction, boys
Posted - 9/2/2023 12:10:27 PM Post a reply to Our first Free Agency is Wednesday night
Our first Free Agency is Wednesday night
We all have 100PH in our banks, and the winning bid automatically ends up paying +1PH over the second highest bid (or just 1PH if no one else bids on that player).
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#1 Overall Pick is available via trade
Posted - 9/2/2023 11:50:35 AM Post a reply to #1 Overall Pick is available via trade
#1 Overall Pick is available via trade
Since this is essentially for Bijan, who should smash this year and be a lock for a rookie keeper and be a solid candidate for a franchise player, it will take a good offer in order to pry him from my hands. I'm asking for extra picks in the early and mid rounds, and am willing to not include a 1st round pick as part of the package. Which means if you trade for the #1 overall, you'd have that pick plus your existing 1st round pick. But then give up extra picks starting in round #2 and later.

If anyone wants to make me a legitimate offer, let's try to figure it out by end of day on Monday. As of Tuesday, I may be locked down in the war room.
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Thanks for the fun and high quality auction, boys
Posted - 9/2/2023 11:26:56 AM Post a reply to Thanks for the fun and high quality auction, boys
Thanks for the fun and high quality auction, boys
Starting lineups will be able to be set as of Tuesday morning. Football!
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/31/2023 6:16:36 PM Post a reply to Draft House cost per night
Draft House cost per night
With 31 "people nights" at the house, it comes down to $62/night. Payments can be made using cash, check, silver bullion, $2 bills, or ammo (.22 or 12 gauge 00/slugs). Seriously.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/31/2023 9:15:34 AM Post a reply to food updates
food updates
I'm also bringing 2 dozen sausages for the grill and a lot of hummus. And cowboy candy jalapenos. Add that to the pulled pork, coleslaw, homemade NC hot vinegar sauce, homegrown red onions, and 2-3 dozen eggs. After picking up the Minnesota boys at the airport, we'll stop at a grocery store on the way to the draft house and I'll be getting buns for the pork sandwiches and sausages.

For Thursday night, maybe that's the night to set up the pulled pork sandwiches because it won't require any time in the kitchen. In addition to whatever anyone else wants to do, of course.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/30/2023 5:10:28 PM Post a reply to Is anyone planning on drafting offline?
Is anyone planning on drafting offline?
I'm trying to figure out how to have a draft room station be at the podium while I'm having my own "terminal."
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/30/2023 11:29:12 AM Post a reply to drinkies

Boys, just like Santa Clause I'm making my list and checking it twice. I'm going to do all of my shopping this week so that I don't have to leave the house next week (and therefore minimize the chance of me being sick, regardless of whether its Covid or anything else).

With that being said, I'm making a trip to the liquor store... what should I pick up and/or what don't I need to pick up because someone else is bringing it? Is Billy the Bartender making his world famous tropical drinks, and if so then should I pick up something to contribute to the well?
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/28/2023 8:23:41 AM Post a reply to Holy fuckballs, Draft Weekend is next week!
Holy fuckballs, Draft Weekend is next week!
Now that we're a mere 10 days away from watching the Lions beat the Chiefs and speculating as to how fucking stuffed that fucking lockbox is, let's do a quick roll call for everyone's itineraries?

I'll be there four nights. Am aiming to arrive 2 hours after picking up the Minnesota boys at the Greensboro airport (mid-afternoon Thursday).
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/26/2023 8:32:51 AM Post a reply to I emailed everyone the venue details
I emailed everyone the venue details
It includes the street address, general policies and responsibilities, wifi password, and nearby golf courses.
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Mortal Kombat I beta is TODAY!
Posted - 8/18/2023 8:08:04 AM Post a reply to Mortal Kombat I beta is available to play TODAY!
Mortal Kombat I beta is available to play TODAY!
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2022 Ragnarok Draft Board
Posted - 8/16/2023 5:49:13 PM Post a reply to 2022 Ragnarok Draft Board
2022 Ragnarok Draft Board
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/16/2023 8:25:46 AM Post a reply to Draft House
Draft House
Here's the link to the VRBO listing. I got all of the welcome paperwork yesterday and we are fully paid and locked in!
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/16/2023 7:55:01 AM Post a reply to Draft Weekend
Draft Weekend
It may seem early to talk about this stuff, but time is flying. I'm going to smoke about 20lb of Boston Butt and bring some real pulled pork to the draft weekend. Along with some homemade coleslaw. I'm also going to bring at least 3 dozen organic free range eggs from my chickens.
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Vixens and Avengers...
Posted - 8/16/2023 6:08:43 AM Post a reply to Vixens and Avengers...
Vixens and Avengers...
... um, did y'all not get the memo? The auction started yesterday and you two did not nominate anyone. I hope that your "rivalry" isn't seeing how many nomination days can be missed. 😛
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We're less than 3 days from the start of the auction
Posted - 8/15/2023 4:49:34 AM Post a reply to Aurora auction starts TONIGHT!
Aurora auction starts TONIGHT!
If the Dumbells settle up on their league dues, we will start the auction TONIGHT! Woot!
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MIDGARD 2023 ???????
Posted - 8/13/2023 2:12:13 PM Post a reply to Midgard realignment results
Midgard realignment results
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We're less than 3 days from the start of the auction
Posted - 8/13/2023 1:50:52 PM Post a reply to We're less than 3 days from the start of the auction
We're less than 3 days from the start of the auction
We can't start it, though, until everyone is locked in and paid. The Cook brothers reached out and will be paying on Friday and are solid as a rock, but that still leaves three other owners that need to go to LeagueSafe and pay the dues. I hate to be a stickler, but the last thing we want to have happen is to start the auction and find out that some owners are not committed to the league for 2023. That would be disastrous. Let's lock and load, and then we can start auctioning on Tuesday night after midnight Eastern time. Thanks!
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Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:30:07 PM Post a reply to but...
... do we want to allow a team to avoid that commitment by taking that player earlier than the lockbox declaration?

Like, let's say that I put a lockbox selection in for pick 9.1 and then that player craps the bed. Can I simply take that player at 8.12 (which is just one pick earlier) and thus avoid the goose egg in my Week 1 starting lineup? That gives me an unfair advantage because of my draft position and my picks being concurrent.

The more I thought about this, the murkier it became.
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Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:11:05 PM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Ok boys, there is one more nuanced scenario that we should address and codify in the Rules Book: If a team puts a player in The Fucking Lockbox, are they allowed to snipe their own round selection during the draft?

As we all know, the following is true:

1. If you put a player in the F'n box and specify the certain pick/round, you MUST draft that player when that pick arrives AND you then must have that player in your starting lineup in Week 1 AND you get the fantasy points.

2. If anyone picks that player before your specified pick/round, they get that player like a normal draft selection and they are not able to start that player in Week 1.

So the question remains: Can the one who put the player in The Fucking Lockbox snipe themselves and pick that player earlier?

Here is where it gets murky.... Let's say that player had a monstrous week and scored 3 TDs but they were specified as a Round 8 selection in the lockbox. Can the declaring team pick that player in Round 3, for example, so that they ensure those points will be in their starting lineup and another team won't be starry-eyed and pick them far earlier than their general ADP?

Conversely, let's say that the player in question had a terrible week and laid a goose egg. Can that declaring team pick them in Round 7 so that their lockbox selection doesn't get executed and therefore they can avoid putting that player in the starting lineup?

After thinking and talking about this for a couple of days, my take on it is:

A. Teams cannot snipe themselves.
B. Teams must take the fantasy result if their lockbox pick is executed.

I am definitely open to everyone's thoughts and interpretations on these nuanced scenarios. Regardless of our ultimate decision, we definitely want to get this codified in the near future.

Kudos to Eric, of course, for trying to find the exploit! 🤣
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Rules Proposal 26.5: The Fucking Lockbox and injuries
Posted - 8/12/2023 11:09:29 AM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.5: The Fucking Lockbox and injuries
Rules Proposal 26.5: The Fucking Lockbox and injuries
We all know that The Fucking Lockbox fucking rules, but with the amazing Thursday opening game on the slate we will be seeing all kinds of action and mayhem. We may need to get a bigger box!

In an effort to codify certain scenarios and nuances into the Rules Book and therefore avoid future controversies, let's start with this one:

"If a player is in the lockbox and then that player suffers an injury in the Thursday game, the team with the lockbox submission must still draft that player at the declared pick. The reasoning behind this is that it is the same scenario as us drafting a different player on Friday, starting that player on Sunday, and then that player suffers an injury in that Sunday game."

If anyone would like to make the case that players injured in Thursday games should have their lockbox selections be voided, now would be the time to do that.
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Rules Clarification 26.4: Rookie Rule
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:09:26 AM Post a reply to Rules Clarification 26.4: Rookie Rule
Rules Clarification 26.4: Rookie Rule
Looking in the current Rules Book, one scenario is not identified and it would be good to add some clarification. With the current Rookie Rule, if a team has a rookie and keeps it on their roster all season and then declares to keep it in a certain round, that now-sophomore player is protected in the 23 previous picks. Any team can come in and snipe that player if they do it 2+ rounds earlier.

There is nothing in the rules that prohibits the owning team from also overpaying and sniping themselves. Nor should there be. A team with the rookie declaration should not lose either its earned privilege nor its basic human team right of being able to draft an eligible player in an eligible location. In my opinion, there really isn't any justification for making this illegal except greedy sour grapes.

If someone declares that they are keeping a rookie in Round 7 and anyone in the league is legally allowed to draft that player in Round 5 or earlier, so should the declaring team have that same right.

I'd like to simply codify this and add this clarification in the Rules Book in order to prevent any future controversies. If someone has a strong objection to this and can justify taking away that team's right to draft that player earlier than their declaration, now would be the time to present your case.
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Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Posted - 8/11/2023 11:39:20 AM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
I'm officially proposing that we move our Franchise Declaration date back by one week. I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and wish that I had brought it up sooner.

The reason for this proposal is because the NFL has reduced their preseason schedule to essentially just three games instead of four. In the distant past, we would have already gotten a couple of preseason weeks behind us before declaring our players. Now, we'll just have the first preseason game and then have to make our decisions.

Our prime directive for all rules construction is to provide a structure where we can have the most competitive league possible. That's why we have a Franchise Declaration date to begin with, as opposed to declaring it right before the draft. That's why we moved our original date from July to August. That's why we created the Jamaal Lewis Rule. That's why we have a 15 minute clock during the draft (with available clock extensions).

But with the NFL reducing the preseason and so many possible holdouts and injury situations in play, we really should have a clearer view of the real landscape before making these incredibly important and binding decisions.

Even though we are all incredibly excited for the big declaration day, I don't think waiting until August 22nd will have any downside whatsoever and it will really contribute towards us fielding the most competitive teams. It will also significantly reduce the possible application of the dreaded Jamaal Lewis rule, which is something that none of us want to see happen. And we'll all still have over two weeks to prepare for our draft with definitive knowledge.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the forum. If anyone is against this idea, please offer reasoned counter-arguments that go beyond "just because" or "I want Christmas to come early." Thanks!
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LeagueSafe is set up
Posted - 8/11/2023 10:50:07 AM Post a reply to Don't forget yer dues!
Don't forget yer dues!
Looks like we still have five owners who need to pay the dues at LeagueSafe before we can start the auction in just a few days. Stoked!
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MIDGARD 2023 ???????
Posted - 8/11/2023 10:02:58 AM Post a reply to Don't forget yer dues!
Don't forget yer dues!
Looks like we still have four owners who need to pay the dues at LeagueSafe before we can start the auction in just a few days. Stoked!
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Franchise Declaration Prediction Contest
Posted - 8/11/2023 7:05:54 AM Post a reply to Franchise Declaration Prediction Contest
Franchise Declaration Prediction Contest
Here are some preliminary ideas about how to determine the winner... I'm just tossing this out there as a starting point for discussion and refinement.

5 points: correctly picking franchise player
5 points: correctly picking rookie IN THE EXACT ROUND
2 points: correctly picking rookie but not in the exact round
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 8/9/2023 2:16:15 PM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons PASSES
Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons PASSES
This will be codified in the official Rules Book.
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Roster min and max during auction
Posted - 8/8/2023 7:06:38 AM Post a reply to check out the Scoring page
check out the Scoring page
Those details are in the Scoring page, found under the Configuration section in the leftside menu on the league home page. We're just one week away!
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Do we want to realign every year?
Posted - 8/6/2023 12:10:52 PM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 22.1: Annual League Realignments
Rules Proposal 22.1: Annual League Realignments
Do we want to realign every year? I think we started doing that in the Aurora league and it's been pretty fun. It's a totally random realignment.

Thoughts, everyone?
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MIDGARD 2023 ???????
Posted - 8/6/2023 12:09:49 PM Post a reply to Welcome, David!
Welcome, David!
David will be taking over Eric's team. Thank gosh we don't have to see Eric's terrible team name anymore!
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LeagueSafe is set up
Posted - 8/6/2023 11:46:07 AM Post a reply to LeagueSafe is set up
LeagueSafe is set up
Aurora 2023 is all set up in LeagueSafe. Lock and load!
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2023 Drafthouse ownership
Posted - 8/6/2023 11:40:56 AM Post a reply to Live drafts and life and stuff
Live drafts and life and stuff
Thanks a ton for your excellent feedback, Smalls. It seems that there are some weeks when we are punctual and/or fast moving and done pretty quickly, and there are other weeks where we get a late start and/or it ends up taking much, much longer to complete.

I'm not sure on the best remedy, either. One thing we could look at as a group would be to see if there is a better time to schedule it. For example, we could do it on a Tuesday night. Personally, I'm also flexible in terms of the time of evening on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Regarding autopicking, I think that sometimes Life may deal this hand to people and I wouldn't want capital punishment to be the penalty. It is a good point that W-L records aren't as critical in this league due to most of the prize money going towards weekly high scorers. However, W-L records are key to see which teams make the playoffs and vie for the glory of the Drafthouse Trophy. At the very least, any purely autopicked team should not qualify for the $20 weekly prize.

I do agree that we should have a strict start time. It sucks if you pick first and can't make it on time, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles. It's really not fair to make the other seven owners wait 5, 10, or more minutes just to start the draft. I think everyone would prefer to pick their first pick rather than have the computer do it, so that's a fair price to pay for not being there in the first round.

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MIDGARD 2023 ???????
Posted - 8/6/2023 10:31:54 AM Post a reply to LeagueSafe is set up
LeagueSafe is set up
Midgard 2023 is all set up in LeagueSafe.

Thanks to everyone who has already stated their intention of staying in our illustrious league. I think the only unconfirmed owner at this point is Jeffrey?

Unfortunately, Eric has decided to reduce his fantasy football footprint and dedicate himself to focusing on his main league. Rumor has it that David will be taking his place, but that will need to be confirmed.
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MIDGARD 2023 ???????
Posted - 8/6/2023 7:38:40 AM Post a reply to We'll move the last free agency on Sunday to closer to kickoff
We'll move the last free agency on Sunday to closer to kickoff
Thanks for the reminder! We'll push back the last FA by 30 minutes. Or we could even go at :45, 15 minutes before kickoff.
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 8/4/2023 1:53:15 PM Post a reply to Franchise Declaration rule needs to be codified
Franchise Declaration rule needs to be codified
After further discussion, how about this for the rule (modifications in bold):

"It is hereby proposed that if any team does not have their franchise declarations made on their team page by August 15 at 12:00am (the night of August 14), they shall be penalized as follows:

One BEER COUPON will be given to each other team that properly did submit their franchise declarations on time. This is a limited coupon that can only be redeemed by the owner of the coupon, to have the dink retrieve a drink for the owner of the coupon and no one else. When delivering the drink, a sincere verbal apology must also be given. That drink must be retrieved in good faith and cannot be sabotaged in any manner. These Beer Coupons never expire and can be redeemed at any venue where both owners are present.

In addition, a penalty of 5MB 2MB will be deducted from their 100MB deposit that takes place at the start of the regular season. This amount increases by another 5MB 2MB for each offense in following years. For example, if Team A doesn't put in their franchise player on time in 2023 they will incur a 2MB penalty. If the same Team A doesn't put in their franchise player on time in 2025, they will incur a 4MB penalty. There will be a four year expiration for calculating penalties (current year included): If Team B misses 2023 and 2025 and 2027, they will only have a 4MB penalty because the 2023 season will have dropped off (2027, 2026, 2025, and 2024 are the only considered seasons).

Everyone can confirm ahead of time that their selections are made on their team homepage. For redundancy, anyone is also welcome to email the commish with their selections ahead of time. If so, please put "TOP SECRET FRANCHISE DECLARATIONS" in the subject line in order to ensure that this email is only opened if needed and would be done once the deadline has passed."
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LeagueSafe is set up
Posted - 8/4/2023 1:40:47 PM Post a reply to LeagueSafe is set up
LeagueSafe is set up
Y'all can go to LeagueSafe to pay the 2023 Ragnarok dues. Thanks!
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CustomizedDrafts is now online
Posted - 7/16/2023 8:13:58 AM Post a reply to CustomizedDrafts is now online
CustomizedDrafts is now online
I finally set up the 2023 season in the CustomizedDrafts website and my first mock draft seems to be going well so far.
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2023 Drafthouse ownership
Posted - 7/16/2023 7:41:52 AM Post a reply to 2023 Drafthouse ownership
2023 Drafthouse ownership
Sea Monsters will be back.
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Posted - 7/16/2023 7:34:55 AM Post a reply to It's TIIIIIIIIIIME!
Hope everyone is doing well.... The 2023 NFL season is upon us. Let's do a roll call and see who wants to re-up for the 2023 campaign! We're just a month away from the start of the slow auction, so it's time to get everything dialed in.

Please post in the forum whether or not you are planning on being in 2023 Aurora. Thanks!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 7/16/2023 6:12:10 AM Post a reply to You should have just picked #1 four times
You should have just picked #1 four times
That's a way better pick!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 7/15/2023 11:14:28 AM Post a reply to Kent picked slot #6 four times
Kent picked slot #6 four times
I've manually fixed this.... I think they are officially set now?
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/30/2023 8:17:13 AM Post a reply to Official league vote is here via a ballot box
Official league vote is here via a ballot box
Here are the details that we are voting upon:

"It is hereby proposed that if any team does not have their franchise declarations made on their team page by August 15 at 12:00am (the night of August 14), they shall be penalized as follows:

One BEER COUPON will be given to each other team that properly did submit their franchise declarations on time. This is a limited coupon that can only be redeemed by the owner of the coupon, to have the dink retrieve a drink for the owner of the coupon and no one else. That drink must be retrieved in good faith and cannot be sabotaged in any manner. These Beer Coupons never expire and can be redeemed at any venue where both owners are present.

In addition, a penalty of 5MB will be deducted from their 100MB deposit that takes place at the start of the regular season. This amount increases by another 5MB for each offense in following years. For example, if Team A doesn't put in their franchise player on time in 2023 they will incur a 5MB penalty. If the same Team A doesn't put in their franchise player on time in 2025, they will incur a 10MB penalty. There will be a four year expiration for calculating penalties (current year included): If Team B misses 2023 and 2025 and 2027, they will only have a 10MB penalty because the 2023 season will have dropped off (2027, 2026, 2025, and 2024 are the only considered seasons).

Everyone can confirm ahead of time that their selections are made on their team homepage. For redundancy, anyone is also welcome to email the commish with their selections ahead of time. If so, please put "TOP SECRET FRANCHISE DECLARATIONS" in the subject line in order to ensure that this email is only opened if needed and would be done once the deadline has passed."

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21 days...
Posted - 6/24/2023 5:23:55 PM Post a reply to 21 days...
21 days...
... until Pick Your Slot Day!

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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/19/2023 10:25:55 AM Post a reply to Savage Addendum
Savage Addendum
I'm guessing this was jokey in nature because we don't want to seriously undermine competitive balance for what is a near misdemeanor offense. That being said, I do think a little more consequence may be appropriate because there are draft weekends where not everyone is present. How can Gustafson be sanctioned for his favorite offense if no one can redeem their Beer Coupons from him on draft weekend?

Therefore, I'm also proposing that there is also a 5MB fine for not putting in your franchise player selections on time. Beer Coupons and 5% of your FAAB budget has enough bite for owners to take it seriously, but won't harm our competitive balance. Bottom line: Put your franchise picks in on time!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/9/2023 11:06:54 AM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Our big declaration days are racing towards us and will be here before we know it. Football is here!

Every August 15th, it seems that there are teams which have not properly declared their franchise players on time. Last year, there were three (3) teams that fell into this category.

While this may appear to be a trivial thing because said teams do get their franchise declarations in at some point, this undermines the idea that declarations need to be simultaneous and without any prior knowledge of what other teams have chosen for their keepers. Knowing the official landscape has the possibility of offering an unfair advantage to the teams which do not abide by the rules.

In addition, this lack of participation on what is really the biggest Ragnarok day of the summer is baffling. It's anticlimactic for everyone who did participate and it's also a pain in the butt to have to nag people and manually follow up whenever said teams feel like getting around to participating.

It is hereby proposed that if any team does not have their franchise declarations made on their team page by August 15 at 12:00am (the night of August 14), they shall be penalized as follows:

One BEER COUPON will be given to each other team that properly did submit their franchise declarations on time. This is a limited coupon that can only be redeemed by the owner of the coupon, to have the dink retrieve a drink for the owner of the coupon and no one else. That drink must be retrieved in good faith and cannot be sabotaged in any manner.

Note that this is different than the ability of the Ragnarok Champion to request beer runs from the Ragnarok Loser at any time, for any person.

For example, if Gustafson once again fails to post his franchise declarations on time and everyone else abided by the rules, then all other 11 owners will have one Beer Coupon for their own redemption at any time. That means that he would be doing 11 beer runs throughout the weekend.

Hopefully these beer runs of shame will solve the issue of missing franchise declarations when our deadline is reached.

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Call it a hunch
Posted - 5/15/2023 7:01:21 PM Post a reply to Call it a hunch
Call it a hunch
... but I think the Fucking Lockbox is going to be stuffed full this year.
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#1 Overall Pick is available via trade
Posted - 5/9/2023 2:19:39 PM Post a reply to #1 Overall Pick is available via trade
#1 Overall Pick is available via trade
Willing to look at all offers, even ridiculous ones by Gustafson.
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Rules Proposal 26.1: Loser Playoffs Seeding
Posted - 5/9/2023 1:56:21 PM Post a reply to Rules Proposal 26.1: Loser Playoffs Seeding
Rules Proposal 26.1: Loser Playoffs Seeding
It is hereby proposed that the seeding of the loser playoffs be done in a way that does not incentivize teams to sandbag at the end of the season in order to obtain a bye in the first week of the loser playoffs. Seeding in the loser bracket should be normal and not inverted, so that the best two teams get the bye and the worst four teams all play in the first week.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/6/2023 8:29:01 AM Post a reply to IT'S OFFICIAL!
We're going to the Piney Creek luxury log cabin with a private pond and a foosball table. Cost after taxes and a $59 insurance add-on is $1960.00, which will be around $61/night for those folks not flying in from Seattle and Minnesota.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/5/2023 12:32:44 PM Post a reply to Sounds like Piney Creek is the winner?
Sounds like Piney Creek is the winner?
With so many people also having it as #1 and others have it as #2, should we make it official? If so, I'd like to get it reserved ASAP.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 1:33:55 PM Post a reply to My ranked list with summaries
My ranked list with summaries
All have a covered porch and a gas grill, unless noted. I also excluded the two properties (Pinehurst golf/pinball house and Roanoke Rapids Lake: The Waterfront Retreat with the 5' pool) which explicitly defined a maximum of 10 people, but we can always ask if there is a consensus to inquire.

All prices are before tax and are based on 32 "people nights." I did a "+" and a "-" for each:

1. Piney Creek: Beautiful Log Cabin ($1682 = $53/night)
+ 13 beds, mountain views, private pond with deck, fire pit, great main area for draft, large dinner table, pool table, foosball, ping pong, 1.5 fridges, cornhole boards fit on deck

2. Lake Gaston: Lakefront Home! ($2219 = $70/night)
+ pool table, foosball, 9 beds, good main draft room, fire pit, croquet
- boat deck is not covered

3. Roanoke Rapids Lake: The Lake Place ($1977 = $62/night)
+ covered boat dock with bar seating, croquet, pool table, foosball, shufflepuck, large dinner table, nice main draft area, cornhole boards fit on deck
- 8 beds, not a big house

4. Lake Tillery: Amazing Sunsets ($2104 = $66/night)
+ pool table, foosball, air hockey, large dinner table, covered boat dock, 10 beds
- smallish overall, lots of small rooms that we won't be using much

5. Roanoke Rapids Lake: Lake front ranch ($1456 = $46/night)
+ 11 beds, foosball, croquet, hammocks, large dinner tables, fire pit, cheapest by far
- looks small overall, main area is smallest of the bunch, boat dock is not covered

6. Pinehurst: Lake House Retreat ($2231 = $70/night)
+ pool table, 10 beds, screened porch has gas fire pit, poker table, croquet, 1.5 fridges
- boat dock is not covered, house layout is a little cramped outside of main room

7. Lake Gaston: 5-bedroom home on SWQuad ($2304 = $72/night)
+ pool table, foosball, covered porch, 10 beds, large dinner table, fire pit, covered boat dock
- small main draft room, not an open architecture, no gas grill

8. Lake Tillery: Modern Lakehouse ($2273 = $71/night)
+ pool table, cornhole boards fit on the deck, spacious design, great main draft room, large dinner table, fire pit, croquet
- less privacy, no foosball for Alex, no dock on the lake, covered deck is only in the front of house

9. Lake Tillery: Lake Front home with panoramic views ($1768 = $56/night)
+ low price, good main draft room, large dinner table, 13 beds, covered porch with gas fire pit, tv in smoking room, covered boat dock
- less privacy, not really a big place, no games
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 7:37:16 AM Post a reply to Billy's Top 3
Billy's Top 3
I went ahead and loaded his app links into the VRBO app and then found the links that we can all view here:

1. Lake Tillery: Amazing Sunsets, Beautiful views...

2. Pinehurst Lake: Pinehurst Lake House Retreat

3. Lake Gaston: 5 Mile Sunrise
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 7:23:37 AM Post a reply to Errata
Billy's links aren't working in a browser but instead seem to be app-specific links. If they were in the previously posted lists, would you be able to cite them by name instead?

I think we're reaching the point where a decision must be made and some folks still haven't chimed in. If you want a say in the venue, we are now in the Blast Zone and it's time to get involved or accept whatever the vocal owners have decided.

On another note, who is going to make the reservation this year? I'm happy to step up and do so.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 2:56:13 PM Post a reply to #5 Hencrico got booked
#5 Hencrico got booked
It's no longer available. Places are getting booked up!
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 2:30:42 PM Post a reply to I think VRBO had internal issues
I think VRBO had internal issues
The links were working this morning and then not working at lunchtime and are now working again? I see that one location has already been booked, yikes.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 7:09:44 AM Post a reply to I don't see that?
I don't see that?
I do see a "sleeps 10" but I don't see a "no parties larger than 10" anywhere. I am on my first cup of espresso, tho.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/2/2023 8:26:08 AM Post a reply to I'm really liking this one
I'm really liking this one
Pinehurst golf front home with 8 beds

I know that some folks are really attracted to the idea of a lake, but that shouldn't be the primary driver because there are other folks who don't really care about having a lake. We've been doing lakes for years and it's ok to think about other options.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/2/2023 7:59:20 AM Post a reply to I just added more properties to the VRBO list
I just added more properties to the VRBO list
VRBO Trip Board.

Big thanks to Billy for pointing out Lake Tillery and also the Pinehurst area. I went through our text message thread and pulled in the few properties mentioned in March and April, and also added a few more for both of those areas.

I gotta say, some of these Pinehurst properties are fucking amazing. They check all the boxes and one of them even has 5 pinball machines.

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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/1/2023 4:47:48 PM Post a reply to AirBnB list
AirBnB list
AirBnB list

I don't mind sleeping on an air bed, so that may help with some of the bed count concerns.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/1/2023 3:51:52 PM Post a reply to Trying to consolidate all rental candidates here
Trying to consolidate all rental candidates here
I know that all you youngins love to use your smarty phones, but it may be nice to put all of our housing candidates in one thread that is also easier to view on larger viewscreens. I put together a little "Trip Board" on VRBO with some options and I'll try to go through our text message history and post any other options here on this thread.

My core requirements are:
* 5+ bedrooms is ideal (but not a deal breaker)
* 3000+ square feet (it's really nice to spread out)
* a big room that is large enough to hang out and do the draft in
* a COVERED outside porch where we can hang out and y'all can chain smoke even if it is raining
* max $2500ish total payout

My bonus points go to:
* pool table
* fire pit
* big community table

Here is a VRBO Trip Board:
Ragnarok VRBO Trip Board

I'm going to look at AirBnB next, and also harvest our links in the text message history and post all of those here as well.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/12/2023 3:34:39 PM Post a reply to vrbo links are weird
vrbo links are weird
Clicking on them results in a "page not found" but if you refresh that broken page it will properly load it.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 1:47:17 PM Post a reply to Tiki would be amazing
Tiki would be amazing
I think the owner sold it to someone, which would be good considering how long it took for the original owner to pay back the deposit to Stu. If that house is available, let's do it! It was HUGE and had all the amenities we could hope for.
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John Wick football social?
Posted - 4/5/2023 1:57:15 PM Post a reply to John Wick football social?
John Wick football social?
If anyone would like to go to Silverspot Cinema in Chapel Hill and see John Wick 4, lemme know!
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Huge Announcement!
Posted - 4/1/2023 9:02:38 PM Post a reply to Huge Announcement!
Huge Announcement!
After a middling 2022 fantasy season (I'm looking at you, Russell Wilson), the Interdimensional Bigfoots have decided to interdimensionalize and rename their team in order to usher in a new era of dominance and championships. Starting in 2023, the new team name will be the Efland Anti-Vaxxers. Bifrost, make way for the new divisional champion and the 2023 Ragnarok Champion!
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Superbowl props pool results
Posted - 2/13/2023 7:33:16 PM Post a reply to Superbowl props pool results
Superbowl props pool results
After an initial scoring of everyone's answers, here are the results. Everyone is welcome to audit the results, as this was just a first pass and I'm definitely feeling the effects of a lot of Superbowl beer followed by an irresponsibly late night of miniature golf.

2000 Keith
1800 Eric
1550 Alex
1300 Joe
1200 Billy
1200 Dave
1175 Kent
1100 Zach
1050 Sean
1000 Jacqueline
900 Stu
800 Dat
800 Jeremy

You can download the Google Forms summary and also my spreadsheet tracking the results. I'm going to double check the results before officially calling it and anyone else is welcome to do the same. Thanks for playing!
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Bigfoot sighting 4 miles from my house
Posted - 2/7/2023 6:12:52 AM Post a reply to One of my favorite sayings of all time...
One of my favorite sayings of all time...
... is, "You gotta be careful what you wish for because it just might come true."

As everyone here knows, duh, Bigfoot is not an undiscovered wood ape but is instead a paranormal creature capable of interdimensional travel and cloaking and more. One of the concerning things that can rarely happen is that if you seek it out then you have a chance of being "tagged" and essentially followed home (even hundreds of miles). Because I have a family, that is the *one* reason why I haven't already gone Bigfoot hunting in the Smoky Mountains and/or Uwharrie forest in NC.

Four miles away, though.... WOW.
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Bigfoot sighting 4 miles from my house
Posted - 2/5/2023 3:09:53 PM Post a reply to Bigfoot sighting 4 miles from my house
Bigfoot sighting 4 miles from my house
It was seen by a daughter and her dad on two different days last summer. Only 4 miles away, crazy!
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Congrats, and Thank You!
Posted - 1/19/2023 9:24:24 AM Post a reply to Payouts are allocated
Payouts are allocated
Please check your email and vote to approve (assuming it looks correct). Rio's $25 dues had a payment problem and didn't go through, so I am deducting his dues from my prize and he will be sending me the $25. Thanks, all!
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Final Payouts
Posted - 1/16/2023 2:33:44 PM Post a reply to Payouts are allocated
Payouts are allocated
They'll be disbursed once we have majority approval by owners. Thanks again for playing, everyone!
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Congrats, and Thank You!
Posted - 1/16/2023 1:47:46 PM Post a reply to thanks!
I'm amazed at how quickly time has passed and that we are already looking ahead to this summer's auction. Yow!

Payouts will be dispensed today, so everyone please keep an eye out on your emails because they will need to be approved by majority vote. Thanks again, everyone!
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well, shit
Posted - 1/14/2023 9:41:09 AM Post a reply to well, shit
well, shit
I was getting ready to do the LeagueSafe payouts for all of the leagues but first did a quick audit of the stats in the playoffs ("stats are stats are stats") because once the payouts are made everything is finalized. And I discovered a couple of errors but one was a pretty big one in Week 16 that affected the outcome of a game. And I hate to say it, but the Blast actually lost in Week 16 because Miami's defense was credited with 4 turnovers when they only had 1.
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Final Payouts
Posted - 1/10/2023 9:21:57 AM Post a reply to Final Payouts
Final Payouts
At the end of the regular season, the payouts were as follows:
$100 Robot Sea Monsters
$60 Bigfoot Barleywine
$40 Big Katz
$40 A-Train
$20 Show Me the Money
$20 Go To Helen Waite
$20 Killing Me Smalls

After the playoffs and the Barleywine/Sea Monsters side bet, the final payouts are:
$135 Robot Sea Monsters
$60 A-Train
$55 Show Me the Money
$50 Bigfoot Barleywine
$50 Big Katz
$25 Go To Helen Waite
$25 Killing Me Smalls

We'll let the dust settle and give everyone a couple of days to make sure that these numbers are correct before I allocate the payouts on LeagueSafe.
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Crazy stuff but I think Drafthouse sidestepped the mess
Posted - 1/7/2023 10:12:11 AM Post a reply to It looks like Week 18 is the remedy
It looks like Week 18 is the remedy
Thankfully, both the Bills and the Bengals have something to play for this week and their starters will be gung-ho. Not really the shootout we were hoping those players would do in Week 17, but I think there's really no other choice than to take those player's Week 18 stats and insert them into Week 17. Does anyone have an objection to this approach?
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Posted - 1/7/2023 10:11:40 AM Post a reply to It looks like Week 18 is the remedy
It looks like Week 18 is the remedy
Thankfully, both the Bills and the Bengals have something to play for this week and their starters will be gung-ho. Not really the shootout we were hoping those players would do in Week 17, but I think there's really no other choice than to take those player's Week 18 stats and insert them into Week 17. Does anyone have an objection to this approach?
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Posted - 1/5/2023 7:17:23 PM Post a reply to Aurora and the playoffs
Aurora and the playoffs
In most leagues, missing the Week 17 Bills/Bengals game is turning out to be a complete mess. In Aurora, however, it seems that we'll be avoiding most controversy because most of our Week 17 games are already finalized. The only real game that may be still up in the air is the Aurora Championship between Tiny Pink Bunny and Puma Punku Early Men, but the Bunnies are down by double digits and only have Isiah McKenzie while the Early Men have Joe Mixon and the Bills defense.

For the last games, we can wait and see what the NFL decides to do with that unfinished game. If they do not play the game, I think using the Week 18 stats for Bengals and Bills players will be fine. Not really sure if there is a better option. For now, though, we can still have a holding pattern and see what the NFL does.
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Crazy stuff but I think Drafthouse sidestepped the mess
Posted - 1/4/2023 7:46:58 AM Post a reply to Crazy stuff but I think Drafthouse sidestepped the mess
Crazy stuff but I think Drafthouse sidestepped the mess
In most leagues, missing the Week 17 Bills/Bengals game is turning out to be a complete mess. In Drafthouse, however, it seems that we'll be avoiding most controversy because two of our Week 17 games are already finalized. In the two games that are still undecided, it's a coin toss in one (down by 9 with Burrow playing) and in the other game the winning team is up by 16 points and has both Josh Allen and Tee Higgins while the losing team only has Joe Mixon who sucks.

And so I think it is pretty simple when it comes to two of the four games. Congrats to SHOW ME THE MONEY on winning the 2023 Drafthouse Championship!

For the last games, we can wait and see what the NFL decides to do with that unfinished game. If they do not play the game, I think using the Week 18 stats for Bengals and Bills players will be fine. For now, though, we can still have a holding pattern and see what the NFL does.
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Oh my, pickles are delicious in Midgard
Posted - 1/3/2023 6:23:15 PM Post a reply to Oh my, pickles are delicious in Midgard
Oh my, pickles are delicious in Midgard
In most leagues, missing the Week 17 Bills/Bengals game is turning out to be a complete mess. In Midgard, however, it seems that we'll be avoiding most controversy because all of our Week 17 games are blowouts. Even Joss Allen cannot overcome a 70 point deficit.

If anyone would like to offer their thoughts or think that we should NOT just call the overall results as they stand now, please feel free to share your assessment and what should be done instead. Only after we are on the same page will we make any final season determinations. Thanks, everyone!
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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/3/2023 4:46:18 PM Post a reply to Flowchart and brainstorming
Flowchart and brainstorming
I think that these are the main branches to investigate:

1. The NFL squeezes the game into the schedule sometime between now and the first round of the playoffs. In this scenario, we'd just enter the final stats for Bills and Bengals players and put them in Week 17.

    a) We may need to think about allowing a change of starters for Bills and Bengals players if they have nothing to play for and will not be starting in real life.

2. The NFL declares the Bengals get the Win, the game to be a Tie, or does not play the game at all.
For the partial stats, do we count, disregard, or replace them? Options include:

    a) Game is over and Stu wins, even though Joe had FOUR players in this game.

    b) Replace existing Bills and Bengals Week 17 stats with their season average (only counting games they played in).

    c) Replace existing Bills and Bengals Week 17 stats with a random week's performance from Week 1 to Week 16 (only counting games they played in).

    d) Do a Head to Head live draft for Week 18, where only Joe and Stu enter the draft room and draft an entirely new roster to play in Week 18.

    e) Let Joe and Stu determine how they want to decide who gets the 2023 Ragnarok Championship (there can be only one).

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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/3/2023 3:45:39 PM Post a reply to uf da, what to do what to do...
uf da, what to do what to do...
I think that we should just declare this season a complete wash and the only thing that counts is Hockaloogy's last place.
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