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It's March..draft is near...

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Member since: 11/19/2003
2010 Logins: 0
Last Login: 11/25/2009

All posts by Flying Dutchmen:

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Scoring problems for week 12
Posted - 11/27/2007 12:25:23 AM Post a reply to Scoring problems for week 12
Scoring problems for week 12
I'm seeing a # of errors with my score...
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the first 2007 Free Agency bid session?
Posted - 4/29/2007 3:09:04 PM Post a reply to Wednesday sounds great!!!!!
Wednesday sounds great!!!!!
No more delays please!!!
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the first 2007 Free Agency bid session?
Posted - 4/29/2007 3:08:51 PM Post a reply to Wednesday sounds great!!!!!
Wednesday sounds great!!!!!
No more delays please!!!
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Free agency???
Posted - 9/16/2006 12:18:08 AM Post a reply to Free agency???
Free agency???
Tryin to pick up some players, but it won't let me. If it's cool with everyone except Dave C. can I please have the guys I bid on. Dave Good Luck to ya.
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It's March..draft is near...
Posted - 3/24/2006 1:31:41 AM Post a reply to First trade of the year...
First trade of the year...
The Defending Aces High Champs have traded D. Culpepper, D. Stallworth and D. Davis to the Defiance Flying Dutchmen for 40 quid and the Dutchmen's first 5 draft picks in the upcomming draft.
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It's March..draft is near...
Posted - 3/11/2006 3:49:08 AM Post a reply to It's March..draft is near...
It's March..draft is near...
I'm looking to make some move's, Lookin for Qb, Wr, Rb, Te, and some defensive players.
Jeremy, Chris, David, Please feel free to respond...And anyone who's interested. Looking forward to th ACC tourney and free agency...
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2 Kickers Ha!! 6 Wr's!!!
Posted - 9/25/2005 9:40:40 AM Post a reply to 2 Kickers Ha!!  6 Wr's!!!
2 Kickers Ha!! 6 Wr's!!!
Hey Incident, I know you fear the Dutchmen but starting 2 kickers....That's OK, I'm starting Terry Glenn 3x's!! Hey Jim what ya say 2 Glenn's for 2 William's.
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Del Rio...
Posted - 9/11/2005 11:56:21 AM Post a reply to Del Rio...
Del Rio...
The Dutchmen are starting Del Rio as their coach. Good Luck to all.
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going out of town...
Posted - 7/6/2005 10:14:34 AM Post a reply to going out of town...
going out of town...
I'm going to be out of town all of next week, so if the cut date is July 15th will someone please let me know. Also, I really need to see what happened in Free Agency before I make any moves. Looking forward to the season, a little reminder if anyone's looking for a good young RB let me know...
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Congrat's to Cliff.....the new season begins now!!
Posted - 2/7/2005 12:23:08 AM Post a reply to Congrat's to Cliff.....the new season begins now!!
Congrat's to Cliff.....the new season begins now!!
Now that the superbowl is over...let's begin trade talks.Ya all know I'm willing to wheel and deal, so let's talk. My email adress is Jdutch10@aol.com. i look forward to the up coming season and wish you all well in '05 Dutch
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Posted - 11/25/2004 12:46:50 AM Post a reply to Trade
The Dutchmen and the Incident have made a trade: THe Incident get Todd Heap from the Dutchmen for Mike Bennett
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The Defiance Flying Dutchmen have arrived...
Posted - 4/10/2004 2:07:47 AM Post a reply to The Defiance Flying Dutchmen have arrived...
The Defiance Flying Dutchmen have arrived...
Before I become the LA Clippers of fantasy football I want to announce that The Bayou Bulldogs have moved...where you ask...to Defiance. After a dismall season on the Bayou, Owner/GM/Trade Happy/Quid Whore; Jamie "Dutch" LaForce has moved his team... A new beginning starts with a new season and a new name.....The Defiance Flying Dutchmen have arrived to the Aces High League.
As for the Quid solution, I vote for option #3. I also would like to see the "Free-agency period" stretch out for 7 to 10 days, say from April 12 to April 22. This allows us to do our homework, to make trades, to make draft day trades, make Quid for player trades or just to play like the big boys do. I think this is why we play in Keeper leagues, year round wheelin and dealin. I also have other ideas for the league, but that is for another time.

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The fire sale has begun....
Posted - 10/15/2003 1:25:09 PM Post a reply to The fire sale has begun....
The fire sale has begun....
The Bulldog Carcass isn't even cold yet, but the Vultures have begun picking.....At 0-6 I have decided to open up my roster for the highest bidders. I'm looking toward next year so keep that in mind. As for today The Deaddogs have traded Clinton Portis to the Vultures for Willis Mcgahee, Chad Pennington, Justin Fargas, 80 quid and all of next years draft picks. (Scott tells me Probably only 6 picks). So come one, come all while the eatin's good.
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Draft Results are posted
Posted - 9/2/2003 11:56:16 AM Post a reply to Bulldogs final picks
Bulldogs final picks
#17 D. Patten
#20 Mike Anderson
#21 Jeff Fisher
#22 R. Caldwell
#23 A. Peterson
#24 N. Devenport
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Roll over sounds good to me!!
Posted - 7/30/2003 11:21:21 AM Post a reply to Roll over sounds good to me!!
Roll over sounds good to me!!
i love taking my team home after the Ragnarok draft. keeping your keeper cards would be even cooler. then again, i've never used a draft kit.

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