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ATTENTION: Loons, Salarymen, and HITSQUAD have been deemed to have the best teams

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Member since: 11/19/2003
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Last Login: 12/22/2007
  From: GA

All posts by Michael L.:

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holy moly
Posted - 12/25/2007 1:26:26 PM Post a reply to Stupid Broncos.
Stupid Broncos.
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holy moly
Posted - 12/25/2007 12:42:05 AM Post a reply to Stupid Broncos.
Stupid Broncos.
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holy moly
Posted - 12/23/2007 8:55:43 PM Post a reply to Najeh Davenport in the tiebreaker
Najeh Davenport in the tiebreaker
Them 19 points in relief of Willie Parker's broken leg are started to look better, since both Head Coaches won...
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holy moly
Posted - 12/23/2007 7:34:59 PM Post a reply to Denver O
Denver O
He's hoping they are still playing for something in Denver...
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2008 W-L idea
Posted - 12/22/2007 9:18:55 AM Post a reply to The other advantage
The other advantage
Note that in the new structure that Loons, not even the 8th best team in the league, still makes playoffs due to dividisonal structure, and then still qualifies for the league final...sweet!
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Championship '07
Posted - 12/22/2007 9:13:58 AM Post a reply to Final Countdown - Bird Battle
Final Countdown - Bird Battle
Yes, although Owls has a superb weekly lineup, Loons does have some matchup advantages, and of course some players who are really good. Loons just happy to have made their first final...
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Nigerian Football
Posted - 9/25/2007 12:49:50 PM Post a reply to Nigerian Football
Nigerian Football
Methinks the commissioner needs to figure out a way to remove the Nigerian Football League from the news clips (as interesting as African soccer might be).
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Not the Hermits
Posted - 12/18/2006 11:53:15 AM Post a reply to no more Hermits
no more Hermits
make that 2-7
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Not the Hermits
Posted - 12/12/2006 12:50:28 PM Post a reply to Not the Hermits
Not the Hermits
Loons league record over the last 4 years is good at 38-22, but record against Hermits in same timeframe not so good at 2-6. Can Loons play someone else in playoffs?
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Wow, there were a lot of fumbles this week :)
Posted - 12/10/2006 11:51:58 PM Post a reply to Yes, might fumbly
Yes, might fumbly
Not sure that fumbles is as fixed as the commish thinks it is.
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Maroney on IR
Posted - 11/9/2006 10:14:24 PM Post a reply to Don't go on vacation
Don't go on vacation
Loons has been on vacation, and just logged back in to discover Loons has lost two games already marked W! Tough league!
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There will be a special Free Agency on 9/1
Posted - 9/9/2006 1:18:21 AM Post a reply to scoring result broken
scoring result broken
The #rushes/#yards numbers for Wee Willie Parker have been reversed, much to the detriment of his fantasy score...
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There will be a special Free Agency on 9/1
Posted - 8/30/2006 8:31:26 PM Post a reply to free agency page broke
free agency page broke
Here is the output from the frame:

Your total available funds: 1 CopperPiece

You must make all of your decisions at the time that you submit this form. You can always edit it after submitting.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

D:\WEBS\CUSTOMIZEDFOOTBALL\ADMIN-TEAM\../includes/queryfunction.asp, line 27
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Happy Holidays to all!
Posted - 12/29/2005 8:27:33 PM Post a reply to Commish, please add these Loons points (28), reversing the final score.
Commish, please add these Loons points (28), reversing the final score.
Two scores missed from Loons totals for week 16:
Ricky Williams rushed for 1 TD and 172 yards, for a total of 20.
Jeff Wilkins kicked two field goals, each of 50+ yards, for a total of 8 addtional points to his current credit of 2 PATs.

This would bring score to Loons 62, Piledrivers 57.

Please check my math on this one.
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Unresolved scoring errors
Posted - 12/7/2005 10:22:35 AM Post a reply to LJ vs Ronnie Brown
LJ vs Ronnie Brown
I note that the Salarymen received no points for Ronnie Brown, so they may still have enough points to win the Salarymen-Deathstar match, once all is correctly scored... I still can't update my roster or perform free agency for this week, has something happened in the commissioner's office?
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Unresolved scoring errors
Posted - 12/5/2005 3:25:02 PM Post a reply to Commish : Ricky Williams gone MIA
Commish : Ricky Williams gone MIA
I just now noticed that the system has not processed points for Ricky Williams, MIA, for over three weeks now. See if you can turn that back on, Loons may need him this week to hold off Mr Hitty.
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What happened to Chris Brown's points
Posted - 11/24/2005 5:53:50 PM Post a reply to
Excellent question, I look forward to the answer from commish.
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Help, IR problem!
Posted - 10/28/2005 4:13:59 PM Post a reply to Help, IR problem!
Help, IR problem!
I accidentally put a player on IR instead of in the lineup, and now I don't know how to get him off IR. What do I do next?
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Kent is 3-0!
Posted - 10/3/2005 12:51:55 AM Post a reply to out of the geek loop
out of the geek loop
What is 733t? Sorry for my lack of knowledge in whatever that is...
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Error in NFL Schedule Week 3
Posted - 9/21/2005 11:05:00 AM Post a reply to Scoring trouble with 2 point PAT?
Scoring trouble with 2 point PAT?
Keith, could you also check the scoring for players scoring passing PAT? There was an Alge Crumpler PAT week 2 which did not add to his score...
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Error in NFL Schedule Week 3
Posted - 9/20/2005 9:56:37 AM Post a reply to Error in NFL Schedule Week 3
Error in NFL Schedule Week 3
The team visiting St Louis this week is Tennessee, not Tampa Bay. (Bucs are at Green Bay). Keith please correct, causes misleading matchup information in our lineups (ie TN shows as BYE week)
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ATTENTION: Loons, Salarymen, and HITSQUAD have been deemed to have the best teams
Posted - 9/13/2005 4:20:29 PM Post a reply to POWER shakeup
POWER shakeup
That first weekend shook up the power rankings nicely...
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Minor whine for commish
Posted - 8/31/2005 1:16:26 PM Post a reply to Minor whine for commish
Minor whine for commish
Hey Keith, my team roster shows Travis Henry with a Bills logo. I think its time we admit he's been moved to the Titans.
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Speaking of the draft...
Posted - 8/25/2005 9:34:35 AM Post a reply to Sunday 6PM is fine with Loons
Sunday 6PM is fine with Loons
Thanks for the flexibility
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Ok, let's do this! Who's in?
Posted - 6/22/2005 6:06:41 PM Post a reply to Barneveld is good
Barneveld is good
really good.

Loons will be better.
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Merry Christmas
Posted - 12/18/2004 10:14:01 AM Post a reply to Game 4
Game 4
Why is their a fourth game, Voodoo/Ass Kickers?
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Dorsey Levens - I AM a genius!
Posted - 12/13/2004 10:07:15 AM Post a reply to Dorsey Levins
Dorsey Levins
He's really good
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Let's Get It On!!!
Posted - 12/12/2004 10:03:20 PM Post a reply to playoff qualifiers
playoff qualifiers
I still have not seen this years playoff qualification rules. Where are they? How many teams get in?
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Posted - 11/8/2004 11:09:19 PM Post a reply to Pittman
As a Florida resident, I was pretty excited with the Michael Pittman performance, until I discovered he was also kicking my ass in Midgard...
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Posted - 9/28/2004 10:05:03 PM Post a reply to Horseshoes
The commish did it again, winning by just two points!
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Commish does it again
Posted - 9/21/2004 7:42:21 PM Post a reply to Commish does it again
Commish does it again
What I''d like to know is how the commish always seems to have the smallest Points Against? Brilliant!
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Posted - 9/20/2004 8:50:05 PM Post a reply to down to Monday
down to Monday
Westbrook/Akers vs Daunte and Moss - time for an upset!
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I can''t find the starting(drafted) roster limits. What are they?
Posted - 9/1/2004 2:40:51 PM Post a reply to Draft roster requirements
Draft roster requirements
Howdy. I believe the draft limits, which have some variability, are listed at Scoring and Roster System, http://www.customizedfootball.com/leagues/scoring-details.asp?leagueID=49
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The Agony of Defeat
Posted - 12/24/2003 1:46:00 PM Post a reply to Agony of Defeat, me too
Agony of Defeat, me too
I know what you mean. Loons outscored Hermits on both playoff weekends, we just never actually played them...
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